The Tour de France has invaded my home! I can tell you all about Ben Stiller presenting the yellow jersey for today, the race, how it repeats twice a day...It is background for us the first three weeks of July. Now, I remember. Why Ches teaches the first half of summer and takes off the second half. How do I forget? I always want him to switch it around, but THIS is why. Ahh, and Lance is back. : ) He's in Heaven. (Ches, I mean.)
Well, got Clay a poopy breath appt. with the ENT specialist in July, but not till the 21st, the day before we leave for vacation. He's all concerned, crying that he can't breathe. He didn't get upset till I said he needed to go to the doctor. Don't worry, I learned a lesson. He's also been down from bed three times. Prayers, more prayers, wants me to say more for him when I go to bed, poopy toilet problems, crying, "can't focus" (his exact words). He's tired! Like me. How can you focus when you are so tired?!
Speaking of. Last night, we stayed up until 12:30 to watch Last Chance Harvey (very good, btw). Then at 4am, I was awakened my screeching-crying. Ethan. I managed to get that his leg hurt, I think it was asleep, and then got tingly. I laid him back down, and he wanted to "Eat!" So, downstairs, tried yogurt, he refused after agreeing (particularly aggravating at 4am), then fed him, he peed, then back to bed. Checked MC's blood, then back to bed. To lay there. Ethan was playing, and I was just listening. I'd forgotten my Zyrtec, so I wasn't breathing so well myself. I finally drifted off, then at 5am, Mary Claire wandered in, and wanted me to pull her tooth. (Seriously?) I sat up, tried to pull it as she cried, then I refused. I mean, what? I told her to go back to bed (as I could hear Ethan awake again!), turn off all lights, and go to sleep! I finally went back to sleep. What a night. I didn't get much sleep. Then to top it off, I put Ethan down for a nap around 2ish, tried to rest, and he never went to sleep. He was screaming within an hour, and I went up there. He didn't calm down much. I think he was overtired. He didn't even want to play. I finally put him in the tub, and he sat so still. I washed him, then he seemed to perk up. He played, I dressed him, and he got better.
What a day. I worked on Clay's room again. He "confessed" to me what a horrible mess there was under his bed (and he wasn't kidding). We cleaned till 2! Mary Claire inherited some drawers from Clay's closet, so we did some organizing in her room too. She's been complaining about not enough room for her swimsuits. Poor baby. : ( There are too many to fit in her dresser drawer. So, now there's more room, and we moved her summer jammies in there too. She's all happy, and made these little labels for the drawers (lest she forget what goes in there!). She has one empty drawer, and she's just dying to put something in there! I have no doubt there's already something. Her wait a day? Not!
And did I mention I changed out a threshold in my spare time? I changed the seal on my back door (had to take it off its hinges, so Ches helped here), then pulled up the old wood, and replaced the wood, seal, etc. I still have to paint it and add silicone caulking. Not bad. When I decide to do something, I do it! Ches just stands back. It's easier to help me than argue with me. : ) I don't know why I'm this way. I'll blame it on my parents. : ) (ps-thanks for teaching me to do handy stuff!)
Tomorrow is Bible Study, and lunch out with Mom's friends, then pick up an order from a catalog show, then maybe make some monogrammed sippy cups. Should prove to be busy, never fail, I've much to do! : ) Now, I just have to do my bs homework.... and it's already 10:15pm....
4 days ago
Awwwwww Don't blame me, just blame Dad. Because he is 'handy' for sure, as handy as a pocket on a shirt.
And you have 'spare time'? What is 'spare time'?
I hope the kids didn't stay up too late last night, because we had so much fun;o) Monopoly (MC wiped the board with me), funniest home videos (even Ethan laughed loud and heartily), lots of food, train video again, more food and lots of drinks, and then there was the dancing in the funny costumes...
I haven't kept up with the Tour de France this year, but Wimbledon was to die for this year. The finals between Federer and Roddick really 'rocked'. They made history! I wish someday I could see the finals in person....
And Lance is back? On a bike? I will check it out.. We sort of left him in the dark and moved on with Sheryl, you know how I generally choose one part of a separated couple and stick with them.. And Dad is a Sheryl fan:)
My late nights are just not the same without Jay Leno? I wonder if I will ever get attached to Conan? Samuel L is on tonight and that isn't enough of an attraction. Wonder who Dave is visiting with tonight?
See you tomorrow. Pick me up please?
Hi Holly! Gosh it's been forever since I checked on you here... boy life has been busy! I obviously didn't make it to bible study yesterday - I saw there might be a fall one - maybe that would be better for me. Summer's are just so crazy here! I'm almost done packing but plan to make it to storytime tomorrow - want something normal to happen this week! See you tomorrow!
Just saw your link about the walk - went ahead and set up our family page, sent out the email to everyone so we're ready to go!!! :o)
I found your blog through Cecilia...
You are one busy lady!
Holly..thank you for all your hard work! I know you would say you didn't do much, but you did a lot! Today was fun and some day soon we will do it again. What a fun day out~~~ Love and hugs~~
Aww, my besties. : )
Thanks, Sandra, I'm so excited you are walking!! Woohoo!! : ) I can always depend on you! I was just writing in my calendar to pick up hte girls tomorrow at 10. I'll call and see how you are feeling!
Ok, Ms. K. Yay, you are here! : ) Welcome, and hope I don't scare you off. : ) heehee
I had a great time today, too! Shopping is always my forte! : ) It's not work when you enjoy it ! Could do it every day!
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