Hey ya’ll! I’m back, I’m back! : ) I’ve so missed you-and your lives too! I’m trying to get back on top of things (heehee)..and I couldn’t sleep (even on the kids’ break..), so here I am. ; ) (I think I’m on a new schedule…called Early to Bed, Early to Rise!)
I got a new camera (yay!) (it’s a Canon SX40HS), and today I did the first upload-and it took a while..those videos take up SO much room! I am really hoping to catch up here, move forward, and get to some *FUN* things! I have bought some absolutely adorable new designs for my sewing machine..and I totally need to get in the Christmas spirit! ; )
..and I’m getting there! I remembered that I’d promised Stephanie I’d make her daughter some American Girl bedding for her fancy white bunk beds…and I finally got it done. ; ) It turned out really cute. I looked up Sydney’s bedding online at Pottery Barn, and tried to match the colors-then I added her dolls’ names to the pillows. I mean, how PB is that? ; )
This is Kanani's bedding ; ) |
Ready to mail! ; ) |
Friday Ethan had his Thanksgiving play-and the kids were adorable! Monday all the parents helped take them on a “field trip” to Chick-Fil-A to sing in their Indian outfits again…this time with an audience! : ) Chick-Fil-A even gave them free kids meals (and gave the parents ice cream while the kids played!). They did really well-I think better than at the school.
His class after the play-he's at the back right! |
Afterward. Not great, but the only one I got! |
His was better! : ) |
With his friend, Andrew and their turkeys! : ) |
Chick-Fil-A welcomed us Monday with a big sign! |
He was ah-ah-ah-ah on his mouth (what do you call that anyway?) |
And a great picture! (after he saw the ice cream cones!) |
And yesterday, Clay had Colonial Days! Did I take a picture? No. : ( I was busy helping all the kids in the class make pomander balls! There were six centers for the kids, and I only did one..but I got really good at it! ; ) We used oranges, poked holes with a toothpick about a half inch apart, then rolled them on a napkin (to dry them), then in cinnamon (to show the holes), then poked cloves into the holes. Afterward, we wrapped them in muslin that I’d precut, and tied them up. They smell absolutely delicious! (I totally got the best center!) The kids wanted to lick the juice off the orange as it dripped, and then it made them all hungry. (Good thing there was a butter-making center with fresh bread and hot cocoa!) I wish I’d pulled out my camera for a picture, but I got too busy! Here’s a picture I found online, courtesy of eons.com:
This one is rather perfect (and has tons more cloves than we used!) ; ) |
After school, we took the kids to see Happy Feet Two-it was so sweet! The son, Eric, really was loving this “flying penguin” (you find out later it’s a puffin), but finally comes to see his father as the hero in the end. So precious. And the singing was awesome!
Today I’m making dressing for dinner tomorrow, and I’m debating making sweet potato casserole (because it’s so delish!), or some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins (they are EASY-three ingredients!!). Don’t you just love a day to eat, oops I mean, be thankful? And boy, do we have lots to be *thankful* for this year, despite all the rough stuff.
In fact..I should give you the recipe for the muffins-they are impressive (IMHO), but so simple. :o)
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins
1 can pumpkin (15 oz)
1 box spice cake mix (I buy Duncan Hines)
1 bag mini chocolate chips (if you are making regular-size muffins, use regular chocolate chips)
Mix together pumpkin and cake mix well. Stir in chocolate chips. Put into mini muffin tins (makes about 48), and bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.
*Mini-muffins have about 13.8 grams of carbs each.*
As soon as I get the kids’ shirts done (Mary Claire got a peace sign with reindeer antlers!), I’ll set up a contest. Maybe Black Friday? Until then, may God bless you with a very thankful Thanksgiving!
Ps-baby is fine, and I’m growing : ) Counting the days till December 5…whadaya think? Boy or Girl?