Enough groceries to feed an army (well, a small one). I got to grocery shop-AlOnE! heehee : ) It was so fun, but surprisingly, took just as long as it takes with three small kids attached to the cart. Hmm.. how did that happen?
I'm now thinking JDRF. Not panicking, just HaVe to get working on my letter to send out. I have to finish the t-shirt design (or be able to tell the designer what to do), reserve a time slot the week before for printing, and umm.. I'll be gone till the week after next. So, time's a wastin'. Why, oh why, haven't I had any volunteers for the shirt design? Some help would be awesome! : ) Hint, hint. Shall I pay for ideas? Host a design contest?
Ps-Mom, I need the letter you wrote! Can you type it, and email a copy? Pretty Please?
Would anyone like to make mailing labels, fold letters, stuff envelopes, or HeLp in general? I Love helpers! : ) And most of all, can you WALK with us?? Register by following the link at the upper right corner of this blog (just click on the words Register To Walk With Us!). We need all the people we can get at Mary Claire's annual Great-Day(only day it's fun?)-to-Have-Diabetes-Party!
I have started preparing for the trip: snacks for the plane rides, toys, coloring books, and cards for the trip, new books, working on planning clothes, new swimmy floaties (inner tubes/rings), sand toys, cameras, etc. Everyone is getting excited, so I need to get packing! I have Bunco the Tuesday night before and Bible study the morning of (if I'm not horribly behind by then!), so Early Packing would pay huge dividends.
New News: You can buy CoFFiNs online. Here. For only $1199. Just FYI.
Newer News: Tanning not so bad *thanks for the link, Mom!* Avoiding sunlight exposure can be just as bad (causes vitamin D insufficiency, and may cause breast and prostate cancer, or TYPE I DIABETES)! Ok, so he doesn't promote tanning, per se, but he does think you need sun. So my naps in the afternoon? Not helping my cancer risk, so I'm upping my every other day-ish needs for sunlight. Real or Recreated.
Newest News: Walter Cronkite has passed away. One of the most trusted television newscasters. He's in my top lineup with Peter Jennings and Dan Rather. I remember him from childhood. And we didn't watch tons of news. May he rest in peace, and may his name be remembered fondly. And that's the way it is.
15th Birthday
1 week ago
Sweetie I would love to type up the letter today, but all I have time for today is to write this missive and say "Thanks" but I will try early in the a.m. If you had told me yesterday, I could have let little Ms. Jones do it.
Thanks for the 'red'.
p.s. Come see me:O)
Ps-what fun today! Hope it helps... : )
and you're welcome! I think it'll get better. Progress is slow by definition, so just be patient. It's looking better! : )
Ok, when you get to it is soon enough. : )
~~Thank you very much..although it never seems like enough.. You took your time to help others and I truly appreciate it~~
Love you too! : ) It was fun!
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