Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunny with a chance of flowers (and chalk)

I am stealing a few minutes to write! : )  Ches took Clay and Mary Claire to get their hairs cut (heehee), and Ethan went along for the ride.  He doesn't like for a vehicle to leave our house, and him not be IN it! : )

Yesterday, the kids had school, and I finally got my hair done!!  I feel human again.  Ahhh... Mary Claire had a sweet friend over to play (and I never even heard them!), then Ches called asking if I had dinner plans (why, no, I don't...why do you ask?) and said we were going out.  Yay!  Love when he has a long, hard day. ; )  We went to Chili's, played us some cards, then went to Krispy Kreme for a Hot Now!  When our carpool group for Bunco went (to KK) on Tuesday night, they gave us all books of 12 Valentine's cards (each for a free donut!)  So, we went to the drive thru and asked if we could get them from the car.  They were so nice, and let the kids get chocolate sprinkly ones!  I thought they were only glazed, but yum!  (I have about 50 more free donut cards if you'd like one or a few!)  (They have to be used by March 15, so you must eat fast!)
Then we went to Lowe's to get me some flowers (now, with our 60 degree temps, the dead flower pots are no longer acceptable).  We also stayed in their book section till we closed the store!  We are notorious for this now.  We got a house plan book (heehee), and a book on staging.  Guess my future.

Today we've been out since morning: planting the new pansies I got last night at Lowe's.

I didn't take pictures of the other 6 pots..didn't want to bore you. ; )
 We also got some new flags to change out my Razorback one (and flip flop one out by the pool) that are getting beat up in the wind.

I would have inserted a picture here, but it seems I'm out of picture space.  Huh?  All that garbage I stick out there everyday has taken up real space it seems.  I have to purchase more, then I'll post more pictures.  Nothing is free in this world. Oh, and it takes up to 24 hours to become available.  Then it is only good for a year.  You might notice me sharing fewer pictures...maybe.

We planted, the boys (and an adopted neighbor child) played ball, and we got so much done!  Ches even uncovered the pool!  We have someone coming to "open" it this week, but it was starting to get algae growth, so you have to get to it fast, or it takes over!  We'll just shock it daily till they get here.  They have to hook the pipes to the pump back up, and unscrew the plugs out of the jets.  We also need our pool light bulb changed, and I won't let Ches near it.  He thinks you just reach down there...Ha!  He'd get the shock of his life!  I think you have to drain the water.  I mean, it's been...four years now.  So, you don't have to drain it down often.  But, it's the safest way, I think.  Any ideas?

Then, we rode bikes and scooters and played sidewalk chalk!  We even planned a tree house.  I've had a book on tree houses for a couple years, but I kept getting pregnant, and I wouldn't work on it...for fear.  Now, maybe we can build time to move?  If we get the lot we are thinking, it has no big trees.  I can't see a buyer hating a tree house, could you?  Does it signal danger?  (Ha! -not like changing a pool bulb!)

Tonight Mary Claire has a girl scout meeting to get ready for Thinking Day tomorrow, and Clay has a blue and gold banquet (boy scout awards ceremony).  We'll be busy, and you can be assured of lots of pictures tomorrow! : )  Hope you have a great weekend!

New solution (for today)-a slideshow! : )  Click on the link below to view:
Flickr Photo Album of our day : )

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