8am: I have started laundry, half-cleaned two bathrooms (Clorox tabs!), am working on sending photos to WM to pick up to go with thank-you notes (already written-we rock!), but I can't find my password, so they are emailing it in 5-10 minutes (eternity when you're waiting!). I'm also on my way into the school to reload Mary Claire's snack box and drawers with waters, Propel mixes (both for highs), and applesauces, fruit snacks, juice boxes (14g and 24g) for lows. And other carb-y snacks (some with pb) for after she's back up, and has a while till she eats. The pb helps keep her from crashing again right away. It's a slower carb, so it slows down the juice-fast carb. Enough info! I posted a pix of one of the bags of labeled snacks that are headed to school. And, noooo, I don't do that at home. : )
Anyway, still waiting on that email from Wal-Mart...
Got it! -Commercial Break while I upload cute pix of my babes!-
Tomorrow we are scrapping again! I'll see how much I can get done. I don't know how long I can stay though.
9:50pm: I'm just now getting back! See how busy I can get? I got the floors mopped FinaLLy! after the kids went to bed. Ethan dumped the pencil sharpener, so I felt it was a great "opportunity" (silver lining and all).
The other HUGE thing I've been doing (most of the day!) is putting my receipt amounts onto my Quicken software. I also have balanced two months' worth of income/expenses-umm..October thru December! So, I'm a little behind... We had a busy Christmas season, and who wants to bog down the fun with checkbook balancing?? NOt me! : ) So, in the melée, I had to put on the charges for going to France. Okay, ya'll-if you've been, you get it, if not-aaahhhhh! For every charge at a restaurant, grocery, etc. there are TWO charges that you have to locate (usually 5-8 transactions away from each other!) and add together to get the real charge. (This is why I put it off for so long. I've already taken two stabs at that first statement, and failed miserably. Today, I was ready!! I have a new pink Pilot Precise V5-from my stocking!-and it was awesome!) (They come in a three pack of Turquoise, Hot Pink, and Purple. I use up the first two super-fast, and the purple gets relegated to the kitchen drawer...I have more favorite-er colors than thee, oh-no-so-pretty-one!)
So, Wii Fit got ditched today in honor of Bank-Ish-Reconciliation Day. I worked out enough on my floors! My back was really starting to hurt! Feel sorry for me... : ) I even left the chairs out so that when Ches got home after class he'd ooh and ahh. Well, maybe in hopes that he'd wipe his shoes and Respect the Work.
Last bit of news-Patty. Yes, she really had a heart attack! She was getting a stint/heart catheter put in this am, but I got an email update this evening that she didn't have to have it! Prayers Worked (thank you!). She was released, and is resting at home. Take your 81mg aspirin tonight! And thank God for the medical knowledge He reveals! : )
New background again, you like? I do it for you. : )
Ok, maybe last thing! I'm going to be taking a month (February) to host a catalog Stampin' Up! party if you would like to faux-come to my house, and order. Or you can really come over for chips and (Sam's awesome) salsa and we can chit chat. There's a new catalog -gasp!- and I'm so excited! They have the most adorable stuff! Do you remember my crafty book with cutest tabs? I used the tab punch? Have you seen my cutest tags? I use the corner punch and oval punch, then tie in ribbon on ANY gift, or make a tag, attach it to cardstock and make a card (need pix of that one?) or I type my scrapbook journaling, then make a tag of it, tie ribbon, and mount it in my 'book! So cute! Okay, and they have stamps! I have 19 sets. I have to admit, I don't use them ALL the time, but the ones I use, I LoVE! : ) I'll make it a goal to add a pix tomorrow.
I must go to bed, for tomorrow, I get a MOTHER'S DAY OUT!!! I haven't been able to take Ethan to MDO since Thanksgiving-well, the week before. He's been sick, have I mentioned that?? Anyway, mom is coming (Yippee!) and I'm headed out into the world, sans kids! Woo-hoo! What shall I do? First, is scrapbooking! Tiny bit of shopping (for I'm going to Branson on Friday-tell ya tomorrow), nails done possibly? Lunch out? If I call you, please say yes! : ) And we shall order dessert!
15th Birthday
1 week ago
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