yeah, So I thought the broken glass era was over. Not yet. I was emptying my huge pretzel jar of crumbs (since they were always out on the counter, I thought I'd make them look pretty) to put in new pretzels -I went to WM again- and slam! the jar hit the counter and busted the bottom. Since no one likes to eat glass crumbs, I threw it out. I don't do it on purpose, and I don't even know how it happens. I remember having a horrible headache (sinus congestion? afternoon shopping with my littlest shopping protege? or should I say talking protege?) and then it happened. I even spent lots of time at Pier One, a little flea market, and Hobby Lobby looking for another glass urn/vase (to replace the one I broke on Saturday), and a pair of new candleholders/fat candle sticks for the dining room. I have a plan. I'll show you later if it works. It's just a candle ring try out of paper (that's why I went to the flea market-to get an old book to rip the pages out of). Sacrilegeous, I know (well, MC told me so!)
Anyway, we found lots of Christmas leftover bargains-now 75% off at Pier One and 80% off at Hobby Lobby! (Absolutely no sales at flea market-books were near original value, and some were higher!) If you need gift bags, ornaments, garland, cards for next year, more crap to store somewhere-they have it! : )
Well, my sweet, darling boy decided to impress me since I'm making over Lexi every time she makes on the paper. He started telling me "peepee", so I took down his pants, he pulled out his potty chair, and he made a poop-just like that. (I've heard the third child potty trains themselves, but wow.) Then we partied, showed daddy (asleep, and surely annoyed-but cheered), flushed, and went back to watching tv. Same thing again! Only this time, bigger poop-he was just testing me the first time! So, we got out the pull-ups I've got ready for days when he's ready, and about 30 minutes later, he peed in it, pulled it off, and we got another one, same thing. Then he ran around naked, we had lunch, and he peed in his booster seat. Yep, three strikes, you're out. He was back in a diaper, pants, and off to nap.
Some days he seems ready, some he's not. I'm not pushing him-I don't need another anal retentive person around me! : )
Tomorrow, we have our first scrapbook event! at our church! It's taken a true act of God to help us get to use a room at the church (granted, in the old church), but still. We will party like it's 1999, and get as much talking and some work done in the meantime! I've got to get my stuff ready to take. I think I'm only going to take my Disney pix from May since I'm still not done with them. I only have about 150 more pictures developed and waiting on me... I'll slap some pages together, and get back to scrapping the kids' births. Yeah, I'm working on that. I have random holidays done thru the years. It is mostly when I found cool paper and stickers or an idea-and I used both immediately. I have some Halloweens and Easters, and some baby pictures, a first day of school (Clay's first day to Mother's Day Out), and maybe some fall pictures. I just haven't had time. That's why the scrapbooking get together! I'll try to catch up. I've got to do less detailed pages so I can complete them faster. If I get a layout done (in 3 hours!), I'll post them! : )
I've found that drinking the stress reducing peppermint tea is helping my breathing. Sleep seems to help too. Imagine that! I should not let it get to this point. I just have too much I want to do, and not enough hours in the day! I went on to Daisy Girl Scouts last night (we had cookie training! and ironed on the girls' earned petals!) but I could ***Ches has just announced his new top Wii bowling score-lefthanded-is 235, and I am to let all know-especially my mom whose top score is 212!*** tell maybe I shouldn't have gone. I was blowing my nose -gross- and looking for tissues, and sounding all nasal-ly. But I went and had fun. We got to try the new Dulce de Leche cookie for this year, it was good! It tasted like caramel and coconut. We found out that we have a new baker this year, and they won't be as healthy (but they'll taste better, which makes for more repeat buyers-my words!). So, starting Saturday, January 10th, we'll be knocking on YOUR door!!! Or, you can email me to avoid the awful rude people out on your porch peeking in the window to see if you are really in there! heeheehee : ) They've dropped the price to $3.50, and I think the troop gets about 45 cents for every box. Which we've already spent on the aforementioned patches we already ironed on. Yeah, we gotta get busy selling! So, what kind do you want, and how many??
15th Birthday
1 week ago
Too bad about the pretzel jar with its large lid fitting to perfection. It was just too handsome on the counter filled with goodies to eat.
Too perfect for Ches to bowl a 235, kudos to him and you can tell Mr. Competitive I got the message.
Two boxes of cookies, thin mints of course. I certainly don't need them, but just to help out the sweet and too cute MC.
Too early to train Ethan, he is only interested in his downy soft pastel blue blanket, his numerous matchbox cars and his paci's. (i.e. pacifiers, he has a true connoisseurs appreciation of fine pacifiers..)
"The dimension that counts for the creative person is the space he creates within himself." Mark Tobey
You, my dear, are a creative person and I applaud your energy to keep dreaming new dreams and new visions (and then to carry them out).
My head just spins with thoughts. I hope to control them in the next year. I've decided to start ONLY buying stuff if I intend to use it in the next week (well, except for the sale Christmas stuff-you know, good deals are good deals!). I have plans, then don't follow thru since I'm onto the next idea! I'll try to reign it in. You haven't even seen all the ideas that didn't make it to fruition-scary! Thank you though!! : ) (ps-still have the lid, couldn't part with it-it wasn't broken! I could paint it, add ribbons, and it could be a wall hanging so my jar didn't die in vain.)
Have fun at the scrapbooking morning at church - I wish I could come.. just too much to do - our Brownie meeting is this afternoon and I need to still prepare everything for that. I'm still trying to recoop from our trip to FL... :o) We have our parent meeting for selling cookies this afternoon - can't wait to sell! :o)
Me either! When is your kickoff?? Ours is Friday night, and we can't sell till Saturday...
I'm SOOO disappointed you can't come! Even for a little bit? Susan is CoUnTiNg on you to come! She is organizing pix today, and knew you'd help. We consider you the scrapping queen-or at least I tell EVERYone that you are! : )
Ok, I understand. Be sure to rest-or you'll be sick!!! Hugs!
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