Hey Ya’ll! Sorry-yesterday was busy! : ) We had gymnastics, lunch with Ches, dance, baseball, and a long day! Oh-and the new Grey’s Anatomy! : ) It’s my really the only show I watch, so I’m happy to see my old friends (heehee). Christina got married! (It’s really because she didn’t want to be alone, but anyway..)
So, I have accumulated some pictures over the last couple days, so I'll share them:
He likes to line his cars up-he says they're at the Starting Line! |
More thank you notes..purple this time! : ) | | | | | |
When we picked up Ches for lunch yesterday, there were over 50 tents-students camping out for student tickets (to get good seats-they aren't assigned) for Saturday's Arkansas vs. Alabama game! They were playing ball, eating out, studying-having fun enjoying the Student Life! Last night John Pelfrey and Ryan Mallett handed out pizzas to the students waiting. I *love* being a Razorback! : ) | |
proof that Mallett handed out pizzas : ) heehee |
We went to see the Legend of the Guardians (The Owls of Ga'Hoole) this evening-it was a good movie. Afterwards, the kids found this huge set for the new Narnia movie coming out-it was 3D with a huge ship's wheel to steer and layers of creatures holding on-a perfect picture opportunity! : ) |
After the movie, we stopped in Johnson to play on the Blue park (yes, that's what we call it!), and the kids had fun, despite the smoking/drinking people. Ugh-it's a park, people! |
Clay spinning on the fun toy that has no name! It sits crooked, and you use your weight to make it spin! |
Ethan just *loves* the duck-he'll go play, then come right back to it! |
Mary Claire on the spinner toy. |
I'd never been this far back-there's more! There is a nice bench swing in the trees. |
Playing tetherball together-I'm glad there are still some around. |
Ethan's just a little nervous of that ball headed toward him! |
Climbing : ) |
He stopped long enough to say, "Cheese!" |
Mary Claire stayed home this morning-her blood sugar was high (285), and she wasn't feeling very good. She cried and asked me to check her temperature. She was 99.2, so I let her stay home. She went in her room, and I didn't hear from her. Later she came down asking for medicine, I changed her site, and she went back up. Ches stayed here with her for a little while so I could go copy at the school, but when I was almost done, he called saying she wanted to go to school! He brought her up, and we checked her in. I had a few more copies to make, so she helped me, then went out to recess.
Within an hour and a half, her medicine wore off, and she was ready to come back home! I went back to get her, and she was okay, but needed medicine. (that's how good ibuprofen is-she felt great with it, awful without it!)
Then I had to run by the church, work on envelopes and books-and Sissy helped me! Then it was 3-time to get Ethan. We got all his stuff (laundry! He brings home his bedding/nap stuff on Fridays to be washed).
We ate dinner early (at 4!) so we could make it to the movies! The kids totally pigged out on popcorn when we were there-you'd think they hadn't eaten anything! And they were hungry afterward. Maybe they're all growing?
Alrighty-I have to go to bed! I'm SO tired. I have more thank you notes to write, but I'm so thankful for the people who've helped us..the notes'll be there for me in the morning! : )
G'Night, peeps! : )
What a fabulous day! Hope Sissy is feeling better. Give her kisses from me.
Yes, it was a good day! : ) She is totally better, she hasn't complained again, is playing, and has a friend over. The world is right again! : )
Sounds like such a fun day compared to my awful one - whew! Today was better - I think it's just wearing on me that Morgan's been gone so long and Rose sick... See you guys tomorrow!!
Sorry you had a bad day : ( We missed you at dance!! Where's Morgan? Do you need anything??
I'll see you tomorrow-church and brownies! Hugs! : )
ps-your thank you notes were AWESOME! I always forget to make those!! : )
The whole week was a wash - yesterday just topped it all off! Morgan's been gone since the morning of the walk at a conference in Tampa - he'll come home tomorrow night. For dance, Emily had soccer pictures so she had to miss it. I'll be at brownies - but church is questionable... this will be the 4th week of me bringing the girls all by myself.. I just don't know if I can do it again. This week has really worn me out... Rose was sick Sunday night through Thursday - fever, throwing up, upper respiratory infection.. not fun! Anyway... :o) Tomorrow's another day... :o) I'm glad you got my note already... I meant to get them out sooner but I hardly got out this week except to the doctors... well, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon definitely! :o)
Do you want me to come get Emily in the morning? or bring her to Mass and home afterwards?
Is there anything I can do? If you want to come to Mass, you can sit with us! : ) Will you take Nora to the nursery?
I'm so sorry-I had no idea!! : ( Let me know what I can do.
Thanks Holly! That's ok - I think I'll run her up to PRE if my night goes ok (Rose has been up the past few nights every other hour - the others I've just been up checking her breathing).. I appreciate the offer though. :o)
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