Only two days till Walk day! : ) How exciting!
Today I drove all around delivering shirts-I love to get to see my friends! I made three new bows for a friends, and found a birthday present for Clay's friend for a party this weekend (he just adores this sweet friend!), and I got some games for our Bunko's contribution to the Silent Auction/International Dinner on Saturday night-I never just have one thing going on!
Clay had a great day too-he got to eat lunch with Gigi and Papa, and he got to sell tickets to all the grandparents! His teacher asked who should sell tickets-and one of his friends suggested him and said he was good with math and money (!). Awww, so sweet! (After his math last year, I was surprised!) He did fine, and sold for the other grades too. He was so proud of himself. He needed a self-esteem boost. : )
Ches took the kids swimming this afternoon while I worked on bows. He's good to take over when I need it sometimes. : ) He'd been home all day mowing and riding and sleeping-and I needed some quiet. It was perfect, and I'm thankful!
Ches was gone again tonight for a training, and we took it easy. (I'm so tired!) We had a smorgasbord for dinner (chicken nuggets, salad, fruit, leftover lasagna, sugar snap peas, etc.), then we read aloud for over an hour. I made some oatmeal raisin cookies, and they got jammied and brushed their teeth. It was good, except Ethan kept bouncing out of bed, and sneaking into my room. I finally let him get on the bed, and he just talked non-stop. He's a sweetie. Ches got home a little after ten, and took him to bed. He's finally asleep!
I just remembered that I forgot (does that sound funny?) to give the kids baths and wash their hair! In the summer when we swim every day, I skip days, and don't worry about stinky stiff pool hair-but NOT for school! I'll have to wake them up early tomorrow. I just can't do it all-I sure try though. Some things give me guilt, but not all of them. I did read lots and lots of books. Doesn't that make up for it!? :)
ps-and can I say I'm SO excited that we are still having people register for the JDRF Walk to Cure this Saturday? Yay! Come on out to Mary Claire's Party! (and wear turquoise or zebra stripes-we are out of shirts!) I pledge to buy extras to sell or use last-minute next year-I'm still getting requests, and I hate not having more!
15th Birthday
1 week ago
It was great to see you! We are excited about Saturday!
Oh girl, it was so good to see you! : ) Did Doc have a great birthday??
I have to tell you the lunch drink DID give me energy! I wasn't even hungry, but around 2, I stopped for a snack-WOW! : ) heehee
Can't wait to see you Saturday!
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