We had the best class last night at church. It is for parents, but Ches had to take Clay to basketball practice, so I went (and they had babysitting!). It's a book on cd by Matthew Kelly called Building Better Families. We did the third cd last night, and we learned about asking kids better questions.
We should ask not what they want to be when they grow up, but what God is calling them to do. Some people grow up, go to school, and do what they want, then they still aren't happy and can't figure out why. God has a mission for each one of us, and has given us the talents and skills to accomplish that mission. If we do what we want, and not what He wants, we are never happy. We never get to use all of those skills we've been blessed with!
We also learned to have a vision for our family (well, we are supposed to write one..). It includes focusing on what makes us better versions of ourselves. If we (or the kids) want to do something (go to a party, watch tv, buy a car, etc.), we should question whether it helps us become a better version of ourselves.
The other thing we can ask is what God wants us to do (at any given time). We will do well if we teach our kids to answer that question. I did talk to Clay about it last night. He was (procrastinating after we read) laying in our bed asking me about my class. He wanted to know what we'd learned. And I've really used it today! When Ethan would cry today, I'd ask him to please stop crying, and use words (because I was thinking about what God would want me to do too!), and he would. He told Clay this afternoon that he didn't love him anymore (I know!) and I asked him if God would like that. He knew, and said he was sorry. (Yay!) This is something I hadn't thought of before (well, hadn't thought to teach my kids), and it's so helpful. It reminds me of the old WWJD slogan. It was good, but then it got old, and this refreshes me.
Today was an adventure with really lows (well not horrible), and really high highs! : ) Let's start with the lows: I changed Mary Claire's site, and she had just gotten out of the bath (and didn't have her stuffed babies: Bella & Violet), and she flinched and tightened her stomach when the needle was going in. It totally bent the needle (in an"L"!), and I couldn't get the needle out of the tubing, then when I realized how bad it was, I couldn't get it out of her! It finally came out, and bled. I hugged on her for a while, and Ethan went upstairs to get her babies. Sweet brother.
My other low: getting locked out of my house. It was 2:40, and Ethan and I went into the garage to get in the van to pick up the kids. I got in, and couldn't find my van keys. I had left my purse in the van while unloading stuff, so I thought I'd left them out there. Well...Ethan had been playing with the door (lock), and had locked the door between the house and the garage! I couldn't get in the house to get my van keys (to get the kids!), and I couldn't go in the van to get a house key from Ches or Mom! Stressful. I called the school and had them put the kids on the bus (thank goodness I had a phone!!), then called Ches 18 times till he finally left his meeting and called me back. He came home, let me in, then went back to work. I talked to Mom the whole time! Ethan was just running around the garage "fixing" my tires and playing. It was warm enough in there, so we really were fine. It was just that momentary panic!
Ok, my better moments! I've been looking for a Barbie Townhouse (Dream House-whatever it is!), the three-story fun thing with lights that work-so fun! Anyway, we'd talked and decided to get it for her. We like that she wants toys, and our goal is to keep her youthful for as long as possible, so why not? The problem is, every other parent in America must be thinking the same thing! I tried to buy one online from Toys R Us, but after my payment went through (including using a credit and a gift card!), it said my order was temporarily suspended because the House wasn't in stock! after it said there was one. I lost my credits (still waiting to see if they'll be credited back within three days..), and the house. : ( But, I kept on. I have called Toys R Us locally, learned their truck schedule (MWF 4am), called Walmart stores, Targets, and checked online everywhere (Mom was making lots of calls too! She finally found one in New Jersey, but they wouldn't ship it!)! Finally, I posted on Facebook that I was looking for one (should have been a first resort!), and a friend had seen some in Rogers! I drove straight there (from the Fayetteville store!), called on the way asking them to look for them, as did Mom! They told us both no, but when I got there..
I looked everywhere in the store, and when my friend said they were by automotive, I asked a nice guy at the paint counter right at the corner, and he said he'd seen them on an endcap (right by me-currently replaced with tons of batteries). He then went to find a lady in toys, and she must have been a manager (she didn't have on a navy shirt, I know all about the hierarchy! heehee), and she said she'd look. She checked the shelves, and I told her they are usually in lawn and garden, not in toys. She said to wait there, and she'd be back. She said she might know where one was. (!) I tried to follow her, but she told me to wait Right There. So, by golly, I did. She came back in a few minutes with the Dream House in a cart! I started crying ('cause that's how I roll!). I asked if I could hug her (yes), and I did! I was overwhelmed, and I told her how hard I had looked, and I was so thankful. She was so sweet, and I cried all the way to the register. When I got there, it rang up $55 less than I thought it'd be! It was $179 everywhere else, but it was $125! I was overwhelmed again. Walmart.com had had it for $134 including a little car, but I thought they'd raise the price like everyone else! Right now, on amazon.com, they are $359.95 + $21.99 shipping. Think they are taking advantage? (I'll certainly think twice about ordering from Amazon again, and we use them a lot!)
Anyway, I got the House home, it's huge and heavy, and I didn't once want to complain. I'm so thankful, and my daughter will be shocked!! She'd settled on some Strawberry Shortcake toys, and I went ahead and wrapped those too. Now--I'm excited for Christmas!
I've wrapped maybe 9 things-and I've labeled them with A, B, and C-they are too smart, and they shake and peek. This way, there might be a little surprise! : ) (as long as I labeled them right..) I'm just hoping Ethan really does keep a big pink secret! ; )
15th Birthday
1 week ago
YAY!!! I'm so glad you found it!! :o)
I KNOW-I'm so excited! : ) thanks!!
ps-How's the house going??? I have to come see it again!
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