Ok, so this morning-a Little Stressful! So, first I get Ethan who's yelling, "Momma! Da-ee!" He's pottied, and stinks! I get him changed, and then to Clay's room...Don't try to paper train your dog. Lexi is sooo small, and hates Outside, so the breeder told us to paper train her inside (and it'd keep her white fur cleaner...). She's pottied in TWO places in Clay's room (he's trying to get her to sleep on the floor so he can get back to the top bunk soon-since I said No Lexi On The Top Bunk!). I tell Clay to take her downstairs to the laundry room to see if she needs to go more. So I get my pet oxygen cleaner stuff and get to work on the spots upstairs, then tell him to look for pee (and yes, he found some). Then to MC's room to wake her up. She's all warm and cuddly. She is slowwwwly getting dressed. Then we all head down to the sound of whining/barking downstairs. All our arms are full-laundry (that's where it comes from!) child, her glucose meter, my oj glass, hangers, etc. The to the laundry room where there are TWO poops AGAin! and a pee. So, Mary Claire is starving looking for food, decides on Rice Krispies (which I have to measure-she can count out Mini-Wheats), so she starts looking for the measuring cups, I'm on the floor picking up poop with tissues, depositing them into the toilet (not in my trash can, no Way!) Cleaning the floor underneath them (steamy, gross), clean up all the pee paper, clean the floor some more, while Ethan climbs on my back and wants a horsey ride. He's so sweet, and he's hugging my neck. I could get crazy, or stop and love on him. I made the right decision! : ) Yay, me! Then back to work...Cereal, Clay decided on a pomegranate (but I only let him have half-other half for lunch as it's not filling and takes eternity to dig for your little seeds. He was using a toothpick-it's why he's so skinny). So I had to add mini-wheats to his breakfast, comb hair, add icepacks to lunch boxes (meanwhile Ethan is balancing-standing up-on a barstool eating messy Rice Krispies-Ches came in and I asked him to man the 'Krispies and Child)-ahhh! So, in the craziness, Mary Claire forgot her meter. I got back from taking them to school (sans makeup and cuteness for that extra bit of sleep), and there was her meter on the counter!!! I sat with Ethan a little (huggy thing) and watched Curious George, then got to the makeup/hair stuff, then the phone rang-8:45 (she doesn't get checked till 9am, so I was taking my time, thinking it wasn't even missed..) and she was in the nurse's office feeling LOW! More guilt, heaped on. I raced to the car, raced to the school, getting the meter ready on the way, parked, ran into the school, bypassed the sign-in in the office, checked her, and she was 236. High. AAhhhh! again. Gave her more insulin, left, back to the house.
New paragraph, finally. (Don't think I don't know they run on. I do.) So, now I'm readying 3 bday gifts for children, finding gift bags, tissue, now I was on to the card-making. But, Ethan got into my paints, so we took a side street and he painted a beautiful canvas for his bedroom. I'll post a slideshow of the Ar-Teest. Messy, but fun. I needed the artful diversion. I have had a few canvasses just waiting! I want to paint, but haven't had so much time... But I left some out, just in case... Now, I'm back to the cards. I printed them, and now I'll stamp, add embellishments, etc. to make them cuter. I'll try to post pix of these also. You know, in my free time.
Ethan is off to take one of his daily baths. He'll be in there for ever! He loves water. He likes 2-3 baths a day-Not Kidding. (If he comes to your house, makes a beeline for your bathroom, and tries to pull his clothes off, cries, etc. You'll Know Why.) And it's good Water Play for him. We are well-rounding him today. Painting, water play, dry play with cars (heehee), tv, snack, story time, classical music at nap... Okay, so it happens rarely. But the stars are lining up today!
Must go make new slidshows for my TWO fabulous readers. I'd like to issue a CHALLENGE! If you've Never left a comment, let's Practice today. Hit the pencil (or the word comment) at the bottom of my post, write a tiny little, "Hi! this is a Challenge Met" or "Love Your Blog!", or advice for the wildly crazy mom, etc. Then choose Name/Url: and just pick a name-any name. Cinderella, Dora the Explorer, Beyonce, whatever-it doesn't verify. Just leave Something (nothing to lower my self-esteem, please). So I can get feedback. Sick of hearing about Poop? No more messy house pictures? You have to say so (not that I will necessarily comply, but there's hope!). I will give you a Hershey's Miniature if you comment (the Krispy, Mr. Goodbar, or Hersheys's plain only, Darks seem to have mysteriously disappeared!). I can be bribed with chocolate, can YOU!?
15th Birthday
1 week ago
What pencil?
Love your blog.
With so much poop, how do you have time to blog?
I left a comment.
Lovely blog my dear. Maybe Ethan and I will share a love of art, although Clay and MC surely draw as well as Jackson Pollack. Clay's art is fantastic, he should be in early art technique.
1-Can you not see the little pencil icon next to the time the post was left?
2-Thanks! : )
3-Barely time. What with two poopers around. And the racing stripes in the undies still attached to the pants whose legs are turned inside out...they strip all at once.
4-You are too sweet. THanks for the four. : ) and yes, Clay is AMazing! Mary Claire and Ethan are just art-y and Pollack-y, Clay is more realistic (a stage I never made it to).
There is no pencil on my screen.
Next to the date/time is nothing.
I like white chocolate, preferable Belgian chocolate.
:looks around
By the way, today Delta is offering sixty-nine dollar airline tickets to Atlanta. Nice for a quickie holiday.
You tell cutie Ethan his Gigi thinks his picture and use of color is wonderful. Also, ask him if that is a lemon?
La la la la Lemon...We are working on saying Lemon.
The bottom photo actually appears to be a yellow chick with a sort of a fluffy bottom. The eyes/head are to the right and the chicks eyes are closed. What do you think?
Sort of like beautiful blue skies, if you look hard enough, you see something.
Love the baby~~
Ok, to me it looks like you are laying on the ground looking up at a cowboy riding an anteater. (Snout on right).
See how much fun an animal throws into the mix - it never ceases to amaze me how crazy the animals can be when everything else is crazy. Gabby chasing the cats.. the cat chasing a light on the wall.. love the paintings by Ethan! We did Christmas gifts for our parents on canvas - Nora painted the background (sky and ground) and Emily painted a flower on one and a horse on the other... so cute! :o) Love the cards too - I was scrapbooking today - got caught up for now..but my just ordered pictures will be here soon.
Mary Claire saw his, and wanted to paint. We just DIDN't have time after school and before pre! and I had to make dinner! : ) She made these adorable drawings in pre-one says, "I love you, Mary!" and the girl has wings and a halo. When I asked if it was her, she said no, it was Mary, Jesus' mom. Ahhh... : ) The other one was her and her friends sliding down the slide head first-it was so adorable! : ) I'll try to find them and post the pictures. Maybe I'll let her paint today, before gymnastics!
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