Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to write, but there are a million things going on. It just swirls above my head like a big tornado-all messy and confusing. I think it's called May. It happens every year about this time-graduations, end of the year for Ches, vacation for us (on his break before summer school starts in May), Mary Claire's birthday, our anniversary, end-of-school year stuff (BBQ, parties, banquets), baseball games, dance recital, diabetes anniversary, etc. Not to mention our incredibly rough weather-14 inches of rain in less than two weeks-flooding everywhere (PRAY for the people if you have extra prayer time-here, and all over the south-especially Alabama tonight--mile wide tornado through Tuscaloosa-Ches' temporary home for four PhD years), it's been awful. The sun is our long-lost friend.
I'm trying to plan a birthday party for Mary Claire, but we are going to be gone for vacation the week before her actual birthday (May 15), so we are having trouble! She wants a pool party, and we did our best to open the pool early to get it ready/clean, but now it's been dumped on, and the chance of it being warm enough is pretty slim. What to do..nothing like replanning a party a week or two in advance. : /
We are now making invitations that say 'bring your swimsuit, but if it rains we'll go to the movies!" Ha. Yes, seriously on the invitation. Only me. I think we may even have to move to a Saturday night since we don't fly in until Friday night on the 13th, too late to party. : )
Oh, and ps. We are going to Florida and Disney and Harry Potter world, woohoo! : ) Ches said we could split up since I am LESS than happy about Harry Potter world, but we owe Clay since last year we went for the grand opening, and they'd moved the opening back a month. Sadness for my boy. So, we shall try again, but it's not so girly, and we've ridden all the rides over on that side of Universal Studios. But I am not confident enough to just go to our own parks that day! Besides, we all have the same number of days on our Disney passes, so I'd hate to mess that up-it might mean they got to go on a day we didn't!! Eek! And that? ..would be awful!
Alright, Ches says the Office is coming on..I should go. I miss you, friends. Sorry it's been so long-I'll do better! : )
ps-I increased Mary Claire's basal by .05 an hour, and she is waking up at about 71. I guess we took care of the high mornings, but obviously..I have to reign it in. That scares me!
15th Birthday
1 week ago
Everyone vote for MICHAEL ROTHMEYER in the HARPS Sing Your Heart Out contest! I hope he wins as he is so deserving.
Post it on your FB if possible?
Have fun on your holiday~~ Tell Sissy thanks for the card. She is my 'artist'!
Holly, you are a busy mom and a blessed mother!
Love you sweetie and thanks for about sixty things:o) And maybe a few more!
Loved the update Holly and wow on the tornadoes. I have heard about them from another blogger as well. We don't get those up here in VT. We have been getting some serious rain though.
Joe's b-day is tomorrow!!! Wahooo for B-days! xoxo
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