Made it to Florida, yay! We have crappy internet, so Ches is really frustrated-he wants to work! (only small giggle, as he's serious!) We paid for the hotel here in Tampa/Clearwater, so it's hard to leave. I don't know how it would work...
We have tickets to a Phillies game today at one, and I think they are playing the Pittsburgh Pirates (they are-I checked!). Ches wants to leave an hour early-you know how traffic is! The rest of our day is open, so hopefully it'll contain ShOpPiNg! Little for him, little for me... He actually needs new dress shoes and a new belt, among other things. I can shop for anyone, so it's all good for me.
Ok, I went down to the breakfast area and got some cereal to eat in the room (and got Ches some too), and I ate it in front of the computer (as it was dark and Ches was still sleeping!), (yes it's 9:30 and totally daylight, but you-know) and I spilled it on the pants I am wearing today! Ugh. We packed all "light" so we wouldn't have to check bags (and we ended up having to since we were on the second row, and maybe there was no more room?), so I have one more "extra" pair of pants (since I had *extra* room in my *carry-on* suitcase after I packed!!). I guess I'll wear them since the milk stain isn't drying so pretty. The last time I wore these (umm-over three years ago!), I must have had them dry cleaned or I washed and starched them. They were all perfect, creased, and smooth. Now the milk stain screwed up my crease, and it has icky lines around where it meets the clean fabric. Gross.
It will not get me down. I have a beautiful pool outside my window, and amazing sunshine streaming in on my desk. Happy! Oh, and palm trees..everywhere!
And guess what my wonderful husband found me last night? Yep, coconut M&M's! We went by a CVS to get him some snacks/drinks for the room (while I sat in the car, yes by choice, while a strange man loitered by our car and the CVS door creeping me out!!). He came out with three bags of the coconut kind, peanut, and peanut butter (thanks, Mom-they are on my mind again!). Ahh, so sweet. Actually he was sad on the drive yesterday that I didn't have any chocolate for him, so it may not have all been heroics and chivalry. But I'll take 'em!
Um, do you realize it's been over a year since we've flown out *alone*? We used to go all the time (a few times a year!), but now we're all Settled Down. Huh. Wonder when that happened?
15th Birthday
1 week ago
Hi Holly! Are you guys in Tampa? Our personal own stomping grounds?! :o) I've spent many a Spring Break week on Clearwater beaches! :o) As well as prom and homecoming nights.. so fun! Hope you guys have a great time!!!
Yes! Well, today we are in St. Petersburg, and yesterday we were in Bradenton-watching some spring training games and shopping at the outlets!
Yes, we are having fun! I love the Sunshine Skyway bridge-so cool-I was trying to take pix as we zoomed across the top. Amazing that those cables can hold us up. Across the bay was beautiful too-I didn't bring my camera, so all I had was my iPhone-not good. I figured since we weren't bringing the kids I wouldn't need it-Ha! Is this where your parents live still?
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