Ok, I'm asking nicely. P L E A S E register to walk with us (NOW!) for our JDRF Walk to Cure on September 12. We have had crushingly (if that's a word) high blood sugars this week, and type 1 diabetes is so hard to control. We desperately need a cure, and we've been told (and we place our belief, hope, and faith in it) that there will be a cure in the next 10 years. We need the research to get us there. Please help us.
I'm sending out our letters this week, so you'll get a second request... If I don't have your mailing address, you may leave it in a comment below. I will continue to badger you daily. Really. It's that important to us.
I'll have a Mary Claire's Friends Who Care team t-shirt for each walker again this year. If you'd like to register your children (all of 'em!), your mother, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, best friend, etc. send them the message!! If you donate over $100 to JDRF, you will receive a free JDRF 2009 Walk shirt also.
I mean, what better things have you got to do??? You may think it's hard to find us (just keep calling my cell phone till we link up!), you may be socially nervous (and who isn't?), you may not know Mary Claire that well (she'd love to get to know you!), maybe you'd rather sleep in (could you find another Saturday, just this once?), you may not be in the mood (she's not in the mood to have diabetes this year either), you may have something else that day (is it REALLY at 9am also? It only takes about 30 minutes for the route we take, the Mary Claire Short Cut-last to start, first to finish! but you didn't hear it here!), you don't like to walk (could you sit in a lawn chair and stake out a piece of park for our lunch location?), I haven't heard all the excuses, but in my five years of team walking, I've heard most of them. I don't like them. I don't want stupid diabetes in my child's life, and do I get a choice? NO. So walk, and share my burden. Just try it.
If it sucks, you don't have to come in 2010. (But, I won't promise not to try to get you to go again next year.)
If you are registered already, bless you. If you aren't, click here:
Click Here to Register to Walk
then enter our team name: Mary Claire's Friends Who Care
and the team captain: Holly Jones
If there's a big excuse in your pocket, you can click here to donate to my baby's team:
Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to JDRF in honor of Mary Claire
I want to hear from you!
ps-I reposted our little video that's on YouTube now. You can see it down below.
15th Birthday
1 week ago
Love the video~~~ You did a great job. Sweet and darling Mary Claire deserves a cure as well as all the other children in the world. Please everyone pray for a cure.
I hope you get some walkers. You can count on me to be there. June is coming as well. You can count on her. She and I will do the 'nesting'.
And you don't have to beg Holly. If people can, they will help you. You have certainly paid your dues and helped everyone else. No one has forgotten your gifts, your food, your clothes, your cups, your pump pouches, your birthday cards/gifts, and they won't forget what you need as well.
"If you build it, they will come."
Your building blocks are a solid foundation, so have faith to believe you will raise money for the cure for diabetes.
Matthew 17:;20
"And Jesus said unto them (his disciples) because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you 'If ye have the faith as a grain of mustard seed'...ye shall say unto this mountain, 'Remove hence to yonder place', and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
Aunt Fern sold the sectional in thirty minutes. That is moving a mountain and moving it with faith and at such a speed that I can't even believe I was involved. I just hope and pray we can sell Dollie's property, get lots of walkers for JDRF, and pray for the sick folks who are all around us.
So sad about Linda Fay. May she rest in peace.
Okay, gotta run. Ants have taken over the cupboard where my ice cream cones are stored.
Elisabeth had a little boy, Isaiah Timothy. Imagine three children under the age of four.
THE VIEW crowd will miss her.
The name of the movie is: CASSANDRA'S DREAM
Ewen McGregor and Colin Ferrell
We'll be there! Plus we've almost already reached our goal!!! YAY!!!
Ok, now can you remember the name of the movie about the dry swimming pool, Italy, business man... that's what I'd like!
ps-thanks for the update. That's a cute name!
Haven't seen Cassandra's Dream. Funny?
Sandra!!! Oh My Gosh!! You are amazing!! Thank you so much!!! That means so much to us! : ) I'll have to see if I can find your page..I don't know where it is, but I know I'm supposed to be able to find it... : )
Holly: I cannot find the movie from whence you speak. If you see something about it again, get the actor, date of release, etc.? Anything for me to go on would be most helpful.
Please, if you are reading this interested public blog readers, there is no way JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FUND allows your private information (name/credit card/address/phone) to be revealed and you can use an anonymous name, so please donate to:
Our precious Sissy needs your support in her fight for Type 1 Diabetes and all the other little children in the world fighting this battle as well. This way, maybe there will be a cure before you have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews afflicted with these disease.
Please click on the upper right hand corner of this blog and donate five bucks, ten bucks, whatever you can afford to help our sweet Mary Claire? Dollars count too, and it is all anonymous if you want to have your identity to remain sealed.
Thank you for reading my post.
A Grandma Who Loves Her Mary Claire
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