What can I say? LOngish day. : )
Susan took Ethan to school, and I jumped in the shower, ran errands, and let's see:
*returned pb crackers to Sam's (took almost 20 minutes in line!)
*I found a drop box for my Macy's return box (UPS)(to exchange some pants I ordered for Clay's first communion). The box wouldn't fit, so I stomped on it to try to flatten it (yes, seriously) while on the phone with Susan, gave up, decided to keep the pants-he can wear them next year.
*returned a flashdance shirt (so cute and comfy on, but really impractical as I don't flashdance) and a kid's wallet to Target while on the phone with Nurse Tracy about Mary Claire's missing sandwich that hadn't been put in her lunch (insert crying guilt here), then I lost the receipt for the shoes that I rebought last week at the new Rogers store! and the cashier wanted to see my debit card to look up the sale (yes, the debit card that's been cancelled since I lost/refound it), then I spilled the change from my wallet all over the counter and the floor, and he told me he hoped my day got better (me too).
*returned a wireless mouse to WM (that my husband kindly bought me to use with my new mini-computer, but I didn't want), again stood in line for too long, then grocery shopped, got MC panties for her Easter basket, since she's already found all the movies/baskets/goodies I bought for them. Now she's getting socks and underwear (but cute Hannah Montana ones!).
*ran to pick up Ethan and Isabella, took Isabella home, loved on her, then the kids played in the big hole in their yard (and I whipped out my camera to catch the cuties!), then I put the crybaby back in the van to head home for a nap.
*I was dragging/headache, so tired from two long days (or was it eighty?), took a Midol (loaded with caffeine, as I didn't have time to drag down the coffee maker to make a good strong coffee) (yes, pms-ing also)
*Made a tag for the bake sale goodies I was about to make and tabs for the notebook I should've made over a month ago!!
*Read to kids: Amelia Bedelia and the Baby
*Baked pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips with Clay for the boy scout bake sale, made them cute with ribbon and tag (teehee)
*Wrote Alexis a note for the care of MC/Ethan, worked on dinner (lasagna)
*Ches took MC to gymnastics
*Clay bath/set table/Wii
*Ches/Clay to boy scouts
*Ethan/MC (Ethan needs a shorter name, how about ET?) baths-fast! as it was time for me to go to Bunco! He spit water at me, so I ended the bath (he lays down, gets his mouth full of water, then spews it at my face, and laughs like a hyena). Then he rebelled against his footed pajamas that he loved last week.
*Mom was here, Alexis was here, ET cried, we left.
*Bunco! Mom won! Woohoo!
and my momma told me to go to bed early, and that was it.
15th Birthday
1 week ago
:hugs you
I think, although I am not positive, your life is busier than any one person I know. The President on a daily basis does not 'do' as much as you do.
...and I hope you went to bed early. x
p.s. I didn't ;-(
by 11, I think?
: hugs you too! thanks for going last night!
Hope things improved.. there are days like that aren't there?! Whew!! How did your GS meeting go last night? Was it last night? Our's was.. I've been having problems with my asthma and migraines the past couple days - figured it must be the weather change! Oh and by the way - really don't worry about the snow globe - I had ordered it from a catalog years ago... not a biggie.. just gives me a reason to splurge on some new decorations next year! :o)
Yes, it improved (when I went to bed). We meet on Sunday nights! I had bunco last night! I'm still sorry bout the leprechaun (if nothing else, I've learned to spell it). I've ordered a new one, and it should ship tomorrow! : ) I just used your address as the shipping address!
Thank you - I'll let you know when it arrives... hope you had fun at bunco - I thought you had said you had to go to your Girl Scout leader meeting this week... our's was a long one but it seems they are finally getting things together.. nice to see!
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