Umm..we have a feeling it's a girl (regardless of our crazy ultrasound doctor's "boy" determination!). He told us that at 12 weeks and six days, and now we've read that the earliest you can tell the gender is 14.5 weeks. So..we still think it's a girl, but not enough to call it a girl name yet!
Ethan is really dying for us to have a name for our baby, but we just can't yet. He also REALLY wants it to have a room and some furniture..I think he's actually worried. We are procrastinating since we are nervous to start buying stuff again, and have to return it. We also emptied out a room before, and had to kinda put furniture back in (Not Fun.). So..we thought we'd wait until we know what it is, and we're at the halfway point. We are just really nervous, I guess.
We do still have a baby crib, in the attic. It's the one we used with the other kids, but we think the side that goes up and down (that's now outlawed here!) is not fully-functioning. (It actually had a three child and/or a ten-year warranty, but we've outlasted both!) We are debating between buying a new one (with the little side that folds down), or just putting the crazy side to the wall. We still have an armoire and changing table/dresser with drawers (that matches the baby bed) (and they are still in Ethan's room), so he'd have to have some new furniture!
We still have some really old stuff we've loaned out a few times (their exersaucer, a swing, a pack-and-play, and a Bumbo seat from Ethan), but after seeing the new comfy side-to-side swings with a big papasan of a seat, I think I need one! ; ) I still have onesies for a baby, some blankets and some clothes I couldn't part with! I'll get a new baby bag (or I'll make one!), and we'll be fine. Oh..but a car seat and stroller-we gave ours away, so I'll need those! Maybe I will shop a little over Christmas break. ; )
Don't you worry..when I'm sure, and I know what it is..I'll be busy. I can't wait to get a nursery ready! We are going to use the office in our house for the baby's room, so there is no closet (!), but I'm hoping the storage in the furniture will be enough. When the baby grows, we'll have to do something! We've thought about adding on, or doing some construction to add a room, but I don't want to do it while I'm pregnant. I don't need the stress! Mary Claire's room is huge, and actually has a sitting room off of it, and she'd love to share her room with a baby we'll see. I wouldn't do that at first, since she wouldn't sleep very well, but it could work in a year or so. : )
I had an orthodontist appointment today, and he asked about me being pregnant-I'm pretty much showing now. He asked how long I was not telling, and I told him until I couldn't hide it anymore! ; ) I guess I'm past that? I have Bunco tomorrow night, and I haven't officially told all of them, so I guess it's tomorrow! I didn't mean to keep it "secret", I just didn't want to have to tell them if something happened. things come up, I'll have to share with a few more people! I haven't said anything on Facebook either, for the same's hard if you've miscarried, it taints everything. (You even feel like the little boy who cried wolf! ..I'm pregnant..I'm not. I'm pregnant, I'm not...) I'm so thankful I had three untainted, joyful pregnancies before I knew that bad things could happen.
So, for today..I listen to the heartbeat and count the days until my next ultrasound. Until I know what it is, and can finally get ready. ; )

I'm so enjoying keeping up on your pregnancy. I can definitely feel your excitement.
I'm so glad that you are still doing well!! Can't wait to find out what it is!! I REALLY thought/wanted Luke to be a girl. (despite ultrasounds) Looking back, I see my pregancy was the same with both of the boys. but, at that time ~ I just wanted a little girl. LOL :) I got her, just took longer!
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