..and I saw my obgyn today, and I'm still pregnant (it's a tiny bean with a blip-blipping heart!). : ) We did see a heartbeat (yes, I'm thankful!), and it was about four days behind where it should be, so they moved my due date, and he said maybe I ovulated late. (since I certainly wasn't watching!)
The other thing. I asked him to check my progesterone again even though it was fine last time. I do a lot (too much..) internet-intelligence-building (heehee), and I know that progesterone should increase slowly through your pregnancy, topping out at least at 40-180 (see here, here, and here). My doctor reassured me that I was over 20, and not to worry. I pressed. He said if it'd make me feel better, he'd draw up the lab request..and I did insist. I even wondered on the way to the lab (for a voluntary blood draw) if I was CrAzY.
Now, I know I'm totally sane. My progesterone has dropped to 17.6. They called this afternoon and put me on prometrium (synthetic progesterone). I feel better, I just hope it's enough and soon enough. I'm just thankful for my experience, and that I pushed as my own advocate. I've slowly learned that no one can/will speak up for you like you can. No one else has the investment, motivation, or possibility of loss. (same goes for your child's best advocate: no one is as invested as you in them.)
And..he said he'd see me every week till I could feel the baby move. (Can you see me smiling?) He'll do ultrasounds every week until we can get the heartbeat on Doppler, then keep it up till movement, and we'll do testing around 12 weeks to check on everything. I am also requesting progesterone testing again next week (not surprised?) and hematocrit and hemoglobin too. Can't be too careful. And now? I have to advocate for my child too.
Is there anything else to test? I've already done anti-phospholipid syndrome and NK (natural killer) cell levels. Hmm..more research is calling my name. ; ) What did we ever do before Google? Encyclopedias were so out-of-date by the time they were printed. (and remember those little CD's of Encyclopedia Britannica that came with your PC back in the 1990's? haha! that's even funny now.)
I'm off to medicate and gestate. Thank you for your prayers...and I might need them a little bit longer. : ) Hugs!

Love you Sweetie.
Keep on advocating and going with your intuition. Sounds as though you have an excellent, understanding doctor, though.
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
I am still tearing up when I come over here Holly. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I love you...and your advocating self. xo
God uses that intitution inside of us! I'm so glad that you pushed and checked! Prayers going out to you Sweetie!
I've learned a big lesson in being my child's own advocate this week. I'm so glad that you stuck to your guns! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. HUGS!!!!
Sounds like you are on top of things and you're doing well. Keep it up!! : )
Mom's do know best. You are already advocating for this next little blessing! How could you not? So proud of you for making them hear you and your concerns . . . which obviously needed to be addressed!
And, C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!!!! Wow! You are going to rock the 4-kid family thing. :)
Praying for you Holly!! You have just been in my constant thoughts and prayers since I found out. :)
I'm so happy for you, Holly!
We are also working on JDRF fundrasing here and thought of you and MC today!
I am so excited for you Holly! I know everything will go great for you and your family. :) <3 vanessa
Oh my goodness-I feel so blessed and loved! Thank you for your prayers-I can feel them. We are taking it one-day-at-a-time! : )
I pray that God will bless all of you ten times over-you are so sweet! Hugs!!
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