The big news isn't decorating or Bible study, or even the Hoedown...the biggest news is that I got my bottom taken care of (kinda!). It was driving me bananas to go tinkle! I was itching, hurting, etc! I went in to my regular doctor's office, and they did a urinalysis. BUT-there were no white blood cells in my urine, so No. Then they gave me some dye for my urine (seriously-it's dark Kool-Aid orange! and they told me my sweat would be that color too! Eww..!) So, then they gave me some steroid cream.
So..hours later, still bugging me! What the heck is it?? My specialist in Little Rock was also recruited. : ) It may be the progesterone tablets (Prometrium) they are giving me. Hmm..they are switching me to oral progesterone, but I have to take twice as much-400mg a night. Apparently not as effective this way? She also said that it'd make me feel sleepy and drunkish-so I am supposed to take them right before bed. Can you imagine?
So..Play-Doh makes me happier! (love/hate relationship over??) I had an idea..Outside Play-Doh! And it soo worked.
I think he even enjoys it, what do you think? : ) (he loves the "factory" and the horse-he makes her grow green hair and a green mane, cuts it off and does it again!)
(I'll let you know what happens when you don't clean it up...)
I did a tiny bit more decorating-a mantle, my mirror, cleaned up some tubs, spread leaves around-still not done. I need more summer tubs! : )
Try this at home:
Easiest decorating ever: Dry Erase Marker on Mirror. : ) I had to turn on the dining room lights to light it up a little, otherwise you see right through it. Fun! I did another mirror, the front door-total overkill!
I'm thankful for friends, for perseverance, fun work (counting tickets with Danielle and letting the boys play-totally fun!), for great schools for the kids, dry-erase markers, music, and sweet kids (even though they had picture day today, and I totally forgot-and they were not so cute today-they have all these new clothes, and looked so . . what's the word? . .not dressed up!). Still thankful for the clothes they have to wear! : )
15th Birthday
2 weeks ago
Ahh - great fun! Trust them on the "drunken" feeling with the pills - I can totally vouch for that!! Good luck.. :o)
I didn't take any last night. My tests are negative, so I just stopped them-I think I'd know by now. It's still early, but I usually test positive by three or four days before. : )
Maybe I'll try them orally next month? haha-maybe I'll give Ches a good laugh!
ps-I got Renee's phone number! : ) SHe's so sweet.
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