One day I'll look back and wonder how bad it really was..or when things are worse I'll think I was silly back then (now). I was listening to a show on Oprah XM (her Soul Series) a few days ago and it was about how we look out with our eyes rather than the eyes of God. We see what we want to see, all shaded with our opinions and feelings. It's not the clear vision of Reality. It was eye-opening, and I'm trying to see more clearly. It was about seeing others the way God sees them, not about how we FEEL about them. So..I'm applying it to my house situation. I can see it's about where we sleep at night, where I can read to my babies, and feed them dinner. Not about how I feel about my walls.
In other *good* news...they have staked the lot for our house! A super yay! We discovered that when they told us it was going to be a long (front to back) house, they weren't kidding! It goes way back..almost 20 feet from the back property line (well, the garage part). Ches is a little excited to mow less. Ok, a LOT excited!
We are still trying to pick brick..we like used ("antique") brick, but it's more expensive..decisions.. I think we might go with a new brick, but messy grout to make it look older. We have to decide super fast. We've looked at lots of houses and bricks, and we are very aware of gas prices in all nearby cities, since we are driving to all of them looking at addresses! If you see me drive by your house really slowly, maybe taking pictures, just wave! I promise not to break in later tonight. ; )
Thanks for your love, it'll get better. : )

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