I had a non-stress test also to check the placental function. (it monitors baby's heartrate, my contractions, and his movement). If his heart rate increases with his movements, then he's getting plenty of oxygen, therefore the placenta is functioning. It took almost an hour, but I felt better when I left, that my body/his placenta is indeed working. : ) Always a stress reliever.
I go back on Tuesday for the same NST (non-stress test), and another appointment. We are waiting for dilation, and if we see progress on Tuesday, maybe a baby on Wednesday! : ) We'll see..my body has not been predictable at all this time. If I don't have him by then, I want to try to wait till the next week. I really don't want to be in the hospital on the weekend when my kids are home, especially for Easter! (and they are so excited!)
Ok, ok, enough about baby-n-me. ; ) (it's just all I can think about!)
Mary Claire had a big week this week. When we shop together, we always pass displays of bras at Justice or Target, and she always screws up her face, says, "Ewww!" and asks if we can go around, or go the other way. I have told her repeatedly that there would be a day when she'd like them, and even want them (insert crazy look here). She couldn't disagree more.
I've asked her if she wanted to look at them, try them on, wear them, etc. Always no. Even some of her friends are wearing them. Well. One of her friends that she really likes wore a bra on Monday, and the world turned around. She came home begging for (you guessed it!)...a bra. Mondays are long, and she has choir and we didn't have time to shop, so she made me promise I'd shop on Tuesday, and have her a bra by after-school-time. She even pulled out her Care and Keeping of You book, and told me I should measure her.
A couple of measurements later, and she was thrilled. I, on the other hand, was nervous. I had no idea what I'd find, or what style she'd like. So, Tuesday found me shopping. There are these new bras, that I hate, that are padded for little girls. It just sends the wrong message, like they need the padding. But they were the only ones that looked like bras-they had the little hook in the back, and sizable straps. The others were pull-over cami-tops. I got both kinds, since I thought she should get a choice. She picked the cami-kind, yay! (And I promise I didn't influence her in any way.)
Then she asked about wearing a different one every day, and needing more colors, and asked if there were any other prints, etc. I went back Wednesday, exchanged the unneeded one, and got her a couple more with polka dots. She was so excited, and I was so proud of her. Now, every morning, she asked which "uh-um" she should wear, and will the straps show, and should she still wear a tank top over the bra, under the dress to not show straps, and should she sleep in it, and is it dirty, etc. I just love that girl.
Just goes to show, when you aren't ready to deal with something, you won't deal, we are somehow incapable. When we are ready (..or maybe our friends are ready first), we are present, thinking and involved. Love when that finally comes around. ; )
Here's to my little girl growing up. It makes me cry to think of her as a big girl, but she'll always be little to me, you just can't tell from looking at her. And her straps.

Faith was SO not ready. ;) I just deided to do it over spring break. We went to Khols and (luckily) she picked the sports bra. Just not ready for my little girl to be picking the real looking ones yet!! LOL ;D
growing up is a part of life I'm sooo not ready for!! ;)
I'm with you on the obnoxious padded bras they have for little girls...like they need something else implying they aren't good enough on their own!
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