I raced to a specialist's office early this morning (my appointment was at 7:30am!) for a Nuchal Tranclucency Test. It combines an ultrasound (sign me up!) with blood tests for your chances of a few chromosomal abnormalities, like Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18. I got a little nervous last night and did some reading. It doesn't really tell you if you have problems, it just gives you a better look at your odds, which can help you make a more informed opinion about an amniocentesis (no thank you) or chorionic villus sampling (ditto). It was recommended based on my age. (insert good age joke here...I can't think of one.)
I'm thrilled to report it went well! The first ultrasound probably lasted about 45 minutes (yes, really!), then the doctor wanted to try one of his new machines, so we went into another room for another ultrasound. He checked for the signs of no abnormalities: two lobes of the brain, a nasal bone (well, I know it's cartilage), a hard palate forming, parallel "train track" ribs, a four-chambered heart with no leakage, a functioning stomach and bladder, and an unclenched hand. He also measured the fluid in the back of the neck (nuchal translucency), the thigh bones, and the entire baby's crown-to-rump body length.
Then...he asked if we wanted to know what it was. Umm..yes! He wasn't absolutely positive since it's so early, but he thinks it's a boy. We've totally been told girl based on the fast heartrate (today was 153), but I know that's an old wives' tale. Mary Claire won't be thrilled (and I told her it might be a possibility today..but she still holds out hope!). I am happy it's still going, and that it's healthy. I can't stress over the gender today. It'd be closest to Ethan in age, and they'd be good pals..so I think we'll be fine either way.
Then I had some blood drawn for rest of the test (the two are done independently but they compare the data in both) in the lab. They came back to get me to see if they could do another ultrasound! The Philips rep had come in, and they were trying to fine-tune the new machine, and they needed a guinea pig (or baby, it so happens!). I am happy to oblige and watch another few minutes of Baby. ; ) He did some of the same measurements, and kept getting the same numbers. Machine works great! : )
He gave me a cd, and I was just sure it was 45 minutes of watching my baby move around...but no. It was just two pictures. What a let down! At least I got pictures? I tried to load them, but it's not working. : ( I'd take pictures of the pictures and upload..but my camera is broken. What's a girl to do?
...I finally got a new microwave to fill the big hole in my kitchen today. Exciting day! I can now nuke popcorn, soup, and leftovers. Rock On. It's not as nice as I thought it'd be, but it works, and it's done, and that is priceless. ; )
Ches and I are going to Amelia Island, Florida on Sunday for a fun getaway, and I'm trying to tie up loose ends before we leave. I had to get Clay to decide on a Halloween costume; he could not deal with limitless possibilities. So, I narrowed them down for him...I bought four, and told him to take his pick! I have to return the other three, but I'm thrilled to have that one thing marked off my list! : )
And..are you wondering about Mary Claire and her pump site while I'm gone?? (We haven't been gone more than 4-5 days since 2008 when we went to Nice, France!) There is this nurse at our endocrinologist's office who changed her pump site then...and she said she'd do it again! (You should totally check into that, BTW-it's awesome!). I usually get her a gift card to say thank you-because she is truly invaluable! ..I mean it means I get to go on a vacation. I have a sweet friend who is taking her..I have to get her something too!! : )
I'm so blessed. My mom who will watch my kids (and encouraged me to go away for longer!), my friends who'll drive my kids around (and to the doctor even!), my doctor who'll indulge all my strange desires for lab work and keep me confident and sane, my husband who works hard to support our family and fund our trips, and for my kids who are über excited for a brother or sister (not all kids want to add another to their family!), and for this sweet baby who might just stick this out. What huge blessings! : )

Hi holly,
Keeping up on your updates!
WHAT AN AWESOME LIFE!!!! You gotta scream it while you can :)
God is good :) Congrats on your probable-son!!!!
Huge blessings indeed!
I had the nuchal translucency test with both of my boys. It's a great option to have.
Another boy! SO exciting!
Hope you and Ches have a great time! Rest, relax and enjoy!
Have FUN Holls! And...awesome news on the babe. I have been thinking of you.
Yay!! I am loving reading all about baby!! I'm just so happy for you!!!
Have a wonderful get away!! You are soooo lucky to have such great friends who are willing to help out! I'm jealous!!
oh my goodness, congrats on your 'most likely a boy'!!!!! xx
Congrats on your news! so much fun! :D
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