Some days are just so darn fun! It was the usual busy, and we worked super hard at Girl Scouts (16 girls!), and then!! We went to get Mary Claire's ears pierced! Oh, what a day. I was so excited! : ) It seems like a rite of passage.
She got in the van after school today all happy and started telling me all about Claire Sorg getting earrings after the Walk on Saturday! She was excited and talking fast (I don't know where on Earth she learned that!), and asked if she could get hers pierced too! Of course, I immediately said, "Yes!" We had to run home, grab a snack, and get to Girl Scouts. I called Claire's mom, to see where she'd gone for the fabulous piercing. Mary Claire was trying to explain where it was, but she kept telling me to to Promenade and go straight! Like that just explained it all! After gs, she had not forgotten. She wanted to go right away. I called Ches to get a phone number for the Claire's location, and to see if there'd be two girls working. I'd heard lots of advice about having them done at the same time! The girl who answered was soo sweet, and said she'd wait for us. We ran into the house, grabbed some food (and our camera!) and made it there pretty quickly.
They wasted no time, got her into the chair, gave her a bear to cuddle, and started preparing. She chose some adorable pink rhinestone flowers with tiny diamonds in the middle (just like Claire's!). Both girls got ready to "poke" her ears with the friendly-looking, tiny white "guns" (my words, of course). When we were counting to three, Mary Claire stiffened, and started shaking, so it took a few minutes. The girl on the right went ahead and did it, and Mary Claire didn't even know it! The girl looked at me, and I just shook my head no. The girl on the left went ahead, and Mary Claire kind of flinched, but that was it. She was so proud of herself for doing it, she couldn't stop smiling! : ) She kept telling me it really didn't hurt! She was darling. Then she wanted to know if she could have a surprise. She doesn't change. Like the new flower earrings in her ears weren't enough.
The girl showed us how to clean them, and we proceeded to shop. We found a ton of new earrings (which she can't wear for at least 6 weeks), and a little butterfly-thingie that hangs on the wall and holds her new earring collection (from tiny animals, hearts, pearls, rhinestones, rhinestone hoops, and beautiful tiny crosses). So fun!
She's been on cloud nine ever since, and can barely sleep! She even went upstairs to pick out what she wanted to wear tomorrow, to match her earrings! She chose her pink Walk shirt from this year, and then we had a one hour hunt for the bow to match. That bow has given me more trouble than almost all bows combined! Ahhhh!
But, we found it, and she's safely in bed. Happy, and asleep. The perfect place to be, especially when you are seven with new earrings. : )
15th Birthday
2 weeks ago
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