Laundry Observations:
*I'm doing lots more doll clothes lately..reason?
*If you wash a child's sheets, the chance of them having an accident in the bed that night is increased by at least 30%. (Of course I've done the research!)
*Our towels take wayyy too long to dry. What looks sumptuous (and organic!) in the store will take at least three times as long to dry. But, boy are they absorbent!
I had to go digging for lost treasure last night. Monday folder night always gives me lots of work. I had to fill out lots and lots of forms: PTA membership forms, t-shirt order forms, Mary Claire's health update/504 Plan, classroom teacher Student Information forms (with our goals for our children-and getting to school on time and having breakfast isn't a teacher-approved goal) with how they learn best, three words to describe them..signing the back of the Student Handbook, cutting it out, sending it back, Spelling Word List Theory (10 assigned pattern words, five new pattern words-that are Surprise! on Friday morning, five Challenge words, and five words (called High Frequency on the front of the Contract, and Sight Words on the back of the Contract-yep, had to sign and return the bottom portion!), when we could come and be Secret Readers (read to the class as a surprise), when we could help in the classroom, and that might be it... Whew, I'm really glad Ches is home on Monday nights now-it makes for a lot of extra work on folder night! : )
Ok, so I never got to the point: the Treasure Hunt. So, back on track. I had to fill out papers for Ethan too : ) and I hadn't turned in copies of his birth certificate and social security card! I looked all over the place! I looked through baby books (I just tried to take a picture, but my Battery Is Exhausted-ha! Me too!), the kids tubs of art I save, the basket of unorganized stuff yet to be filed in the Tubs of Art/School Stuff, the Important Stuff file (yeah, that's really its name!) and found his birth certificate and the application for his Social Security card (yeah, I save things..), and on and on...until I had the Oprah Aha! Moment! I checked the Social Security file, and by-golly, I found his social security card! Unsigned and everything (you know, since he's three)! I'd already gotten desperate, and copied his social security card number from our 2008 Tax forms (since our accountant has our ss numbers, but I can't find them!) I thought it'd show I was really trying to make progress towards finding it. : )
So, my latest dilemma is getting Mary Claire's "Orders" signed. We just had her last endocrinology appointment around July 7, and her doctor moved to Louisiana. We already have her next appointment made (January was the next available!), so we are technically between doctors. I forgot that the school needs her bolus and correction ratio charts signed by her doctor, or I'd have taken them with me to Little Rock in July! (Will someone please remind me of this next summer?) So. I've been calling Arkansas Children's Hospital clinic (old doctor's office) since we've seen all the doctors there, and left messages and faxes. Finally, they called back today, but said they didn't get the fax. I had to send it again today-I am really working on it-everything is such a job. Sometimes I think Ches wonders what I do all day-I'm so busy I forget to eat lunch till it's time to get Ethan!
We are back in school mode-today is boy scouts, Wednesday Ches has a training from 6-10pm (booooo!), Thursday is gymnastics for Ethan and MC to dance, Friday is ME GOING TO BRANSON-HOOO-RAH! and Mary Claire to a dance party! and me to church and making copies at the school, and Sunday is girl scouts, Monday is back to LR for test...and need I go on? Never, I know.
I'm really bummed about this Training he is going to on Wednesday. I'm trying to be Supportive Wife, but it's hard. He got some of his classes at the UA online, so he got to drop his Monday night 6-9 class, but now he's got this yucky old training class-thing on Wednesday nights from 6-10 (I'm available for dinner, Mom!), so back to me parenting alone on that night. : ( I can handle it all, just knowing he'll be here for back-up soon (when I get to that 4 o'clock crazy hour), but that's putting them to bed
Ok, gotta get back to work on JDRF Walk stuff-I turned in my "art" for the shirt-now just waiting for it to look BETTER (with MaryAnn's help..)! I hope to get the proof by Friday-be watching! : ) I'll post it when I get it, I'm excited! : )
15th Birthday
1 week ago
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