The boy already had some strikes against him. He had diabetes, and he was working to keep everyone happy with his numbers. It was so hard. He had sports and p.e. and big meals, and add to that: he was growing. He liked to stay up late and to sleep in. But his schedule wasn't always the same, so it was an especially difficult numbers game. He had been selected and had chosen to take really demanding classes. He was earning some of his high school credits, but it was fast-paced and a lot of assignments to maintain.
One day, this growing boy went to school and had his regular p.e. class. They were in the middle of golf lessons. He was swinging a plastic club against some tennis balls (we have to assume the district can't afford clubs and real golf balls, bless their hearts). The boy was getting bored with repeatedly hitting the tennis ball, and he began to hit it a little harder. He didn't hit it too hard, but enough that he set off his bully of a coach.
The coach got in his face, as the boy was away from his friends, and asked why he was so stupid. Imagine the sweet, confused boy as he looks the coach in the face thinking he misunderstood. The coach continues, and tells him he needs to go to a doctor to get his head checked to see if he has brain damage. Then he asks if the boy has brain damage.
The boy, now realizing what's happening, looks around to try to figure an escape. The coach asks again, and the boy says he doesn't think so. He is so humiliated, so angry, and wants to cry all at the same time.
Since the coach doesn't allow phones in the gym or field, he has no means of help. The other kids don't see what's happening. A bully always singles out his prey.
When they're finally released to dress out, the boy starts texting his mom. Someone who will care. He tells what happened, since you should always tell. His mom is so busy calling the school, she barely texts back, "which coach?"
He answers as she is less than a mile away. By the time his momma makes it into the school office, he's already been called in. They have a brief moment with the nurse who says she knows something happened since the boy won't talk to her.
They meet with the grade level principal, and they get nowhere. The principal tells the boy to his face that she doesn't believe him. His momma is incredulous. The principal says the coach asked the boys if they were doing something stupid. The coach denies having singled him out or asking if he was stupid.
It continues. The principal quizzes the boy. Who else heard the coach? Who can corroborate your story? We've never had anyone speak against this coach. Momma says coach was here when she was here, and he was mean even then. Principal is not friendly or polite. She takes notes like a police officer, asking specific questions. Momma thinks she's trying to trip up her son. It's not going well. She isn't going to do anything about this situation. She's already writing off the boy who pulled all the courage he had together to speak against a grown man.
Principal asks just what they want to come of this situation. The boy says he enjoys p.e., and he doesn't know..could he be in another gym class? Momma says for her son to be out of the coach's class. Principal says there are only two weeks. She can stop his grade (it's a 100%), and he can go to the library every day during the class period and take his final in there. Or go back to class. They look at each other. This is not exactly what they said they wanted. They get until tomorrow morning to decide.
Principal asks if they have any other "business" with the nurse, and she curtly says Thank You. (Apparently it's their dismissal.) They got up to leave, went into the front office and had to ask the secretaries-with-their-heads-down for a note to get the boy back into class. Momma reached for it, and she handed it to the boy.
They hug outside the office, and red-eyed boy goes back to his world. Momma goes home and cries. How can people be so insensitive? How does it serve them to cause pain to others?
There are many prayers going up. Prayers for the coach's heart, his family, his children, the boy's heart, his decision, the right choice (for now and as he grows into a man). For the principal and her day and her life. Holy cow, this is character building time. Scary momma stuff.
And then, just like that, life goes on. Baby doesn't take a nap, kids are home, dinner needs to be made, and big boy has a concert. We move on. Not forgetting, ever thoughtful of decisions that need to be made.
Prayers that the kids that call you momma don't ever have this experience. And if they some character. Hugs,
Oh Holly. Sending prayers your way. I cannot even believe that someone would speak to a child that way. Someone they are supposed to look up to. I am so sorry Clay had that experience. Hugs!!
Thank you, Stephanie! I can't either, for real.
I'm just thankful he seems to have moved past it. He went to class, didn't want to talk much about it. He had two more games tonight, so he was mentally prepping before and exhausted afterward!
Thanks for checking on us!! <3
How terrible. I'm glad to see it was somewhat resolved in the post above, but I'm wondering how many times he's done this before and how many kids were too scared to speak up.
I'm impressed at your restraint!
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