Yesterday Mary Claire had her field trip to the ACO for Arkansas Storytelling, then she went to JB Hunt Park. I met them there, to check her blood and give her a lunch bolus on her pump. She was fine, but I did worry about her playing from a little after 11 till 12:30!! That's a super-long recess, and I didn't want her to go low! She ended up doing fine- I just worry about her a lot! She's been super-sensitive to lows-she's laid down on the floor probably three times in the last two days telling me she feels low. Once was 51-a true low, and today it was 72. I guess that'd be low for you or me, but not her. We were cleaning her room, so 'nuf said.
Ches and Clay went to the boy scouts' Extravaganza (and brought back a very loud neon yellow T-shirt) today. He got to shoot a beebee gun, shoot a bow and arrow, play flag football (and intercepted the football!), and goodness, had a great day! : ) They came home in time for dinner, but Mary Claire and I were not ready!! We'd debated on taking our baths, but playing was so much more fun! We made her a wreath for her door (which she's been waiting for about 6 weeks now?), changed out all her bedding and curtains (remember the PB ones we got in Memphis?) and moved the bed on an angle. It was all I could manage alone, but she's happy. Now I have little man unhappy since he wants to change his too (and he just got all new furniture and bedding last year!!). We had a great day together, and Ethan just played around us, causing general mayhem. Let's see... he: threw a car at my *glass* shower door, hurled a new box of Huggies diapers down the stairs (and hit the first picture on the wall as they went down at a break-neck speed) as I was screaming, "NO!!", slammed a huge yellow car into Mary Claire's glass dollhouse table (I know.), threw a toy at Mary Claire, threw a big block full of water all over me-my back, hair, and the toilet/bathroom!, should I stop now? This was all today. Yeah, only I'm not kidding. He was in the naughty chair each time. It shocks me that he stays there. And by the end of the day, my patience was a little thin. When he climbed up on a chair, pulling at Mary Claire's new curtains, I gave him a deep, "Get Down" kinda in a deep growl, I'm-gonna-get-you sound. I maintained eye-contact, and that kid got down. Go, me. Ahh, the two stage. Not the best, that's for sure.
Then we went to eat-after the speedy shower for the girls. We drove around: Olive Garden was 20-25 minutes (can't take a wait with the tiny one), didn't have a number to call in an order at Guido's (we call first, walk in, eat, leave-works extremely well: Tim's and Chili's are in my phone), Ches wouldn't go to Jose's (said he couldn't get in the turning lane. Likely.), Clay objected to Red Robin, so we went to Panera. We walked in, got food, and ate. Clay wasn't hungry, and ordered french bread and chocolate milk, and Ethan wouldn't eat anything, so we ordered him a strawberry smoothie (he drank a tiny bit), and Mary Claire gobbled up her pbj, rejected her organic yogurt (Clay ate it), then everyone had dessert (whether they should've or not). We all shared, so it wasn't so bad. (Then Ethan ran over to the seating area-read: couch by people eating alone), took off his shoe, and got comfy, then screamed when Clay tried to bring him back, therefore disturbing Quiet, Alone People. That's why I like to stay home these days. It's just too much work. Even if the food's good, it's just miserable (except sitting in the sun today at the high table, it was warm, and my soup was yummy). Ok, we'll try again next week. By then, amnesia will set in again!
I have to say that being home all day has its advantages: clean sheets, clean laundry (and put away), clean bathroom, clean towels, clean kitchen floor, clean carpet, and dust-free furniture! It helps that Ches drove the van away this morning! : ) I couldn't do it every week, but it was nice. I'm planning to have EAster dinner (and egg-hunting) here next week, so maybe I was preparing??? So no one sees my dust and grime? and knows how it looks the rest of the time? ; ) heehee
It's already 12:23am. How does this happen? I just can't get it all in. What happened to post-France time schedule? I was up early, showered, before the kids got up in the morning, and was in bed by 9 or 10. I've slipped back into my real zone-late and later. Maybe a trip back East would get me back in gear?? : ) I'll work on that one! : )
Oh, I do sleep peacefully when my sheets are clean. : ) I wish you all clean sheets tonight.
15th Birthday
1 week ago
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