Note to self: Do not go to Wal-Mart or other shopping-type stores on the Saturday before Christmas! I was clearly NOT thinking today. I ran in to get a few things-for Christmas Day dinner, and it was so packed! And with the heavy turkey, diapers-huge box, wipes-huge box, Diet Dr. Pepper case, etc. my cart kept pulling severely to the right! I was having quite the workout, which is great since I wore my new Nikes and cute workout clothes I bought in Atlanta last month (which have yet to be officially worked out in-I'm waiting on the wii). So I was quite exhausted and need of a snack-but geez! It took me 14 minutes to get out of the parking lot-I am not exaggerating. I had downed half a box of Raisin Bran Crunch before I got to turn onto a real street. Do not do this next year.
Since Ethan woke us all up at 6:40am (you know, from the climbing out of bed and visiting everyone...), (and I'd only gone to bed at 2:20am-partying and blogging are taking its toll!), I was so tired! We didn't make our usual 4pm Mass today. The kids went to Mom's-yay! and I caught a nap before we grabbed a pizza and the kids. We'll have to make the 10:30 Mass tomorrow, since we have Girl Scouts tomorrow evening! : ) We are visiting the Shiloh Health and Rehab to hand out Christmas cards...which reminds me-I still have to make 15 more cards! Anyone want to come help?? We'll work on those after church?
The kids are supposed to be in the live nativity next Wednesday evening, but I've yet to hear if there is a practice (yes, for a shepherd and an angel-well, they can always use practice being silent and angelic!) or when to go to get on costumes. We may be the late, inappropriately dressed angel and shepherd. I'm thinking I'll make Mary Claire a sweet, long and flowy white tulle angel gown (with pink sparkley Barbie shoes!) and Clay can wear a burlap robe thingie (is there a pattern for that?) My kids will stand out. (not necessarily in a good way). But we love Jesus, and he'll see us making an effort. : )
Ches is off to Best Buy again. (Did I mention I went there again today to get my brother a gift card?) And I thought I'd not be back for four more years. We've already racked up $10 in rewards on that nifty rewards card! I hope we don't rack up another $10 tonight....
Is there a good plan for how to get the kids to not wake up at 5am on Christmas morning? Seriously? After a long night of installation and assembly, 5 comes way too soon! Is there a good politically correct bribing system?
Well, I think shopping for gifts at our household is finished. Woo-hoo! : ) Let the wrapping begin! : ) and the rewrapping! (thanks to our intelligent 23.9-month-old!)
Happy things today: playing Bendaroos with my kids (I made a magenta dog/razorback animal!), scrumptious chocolate bday cake with fudge frosting, heated van seats, online bill pay, seeing friends at Wal-Mart-land-of-chaos, reading hilarious Junie B. Jones with the kids, comfy clothes and springy shoes that make me feel excercise-y, and a husband who likes to shop.
15th Birthday
1 week ago
And thanks to you my dear..for the "Yummy birthday cake, fun Bendaroos, chasing Big Dog and his football, making chocolate chip cookies, playing Barnyard Bingo, Sissy and me watching photos online featuring the animals at Glacier, Clay and Papa riding their bikes in the cold windy afternoon and then a nice dinner of pizza and dessert made my day just perfect."
I'm tired, but it is the sort of tired a person desires at the end of a great day!
Hey Ethan, let's choo choo choo~~~~~and don't get out of your bed tonight,,,please?
p.s. Start thawing the big bird tonight :O)
He's already in the fridge. On his side, but he's still rock hard. I'll rotate him to his bottom (back?) when he gets softer (Wed. night?). Don't you just love it when you sleep great (under the warm electric blanket..) after a wonderful day? Nap definitely put my day over the top. I konked out for a good hour. I'll sleep well if I can ever get away from my desk-I'm obsessed! It's too much fun! I added crafty pix tonight! : )
Crafts, crafts, crafts you have!
Done with love as well as bright colors, so cute, so fun, and items that are much needed (our little sweetie's pump pouches)..
And all for those you love!
Lucky me indeedy~~~~
Enjoy the little kiddies, they grow up before you know it and have little kiddies of their own...
Christmas Eve is fast approaching, then Santa in the night will come...he will leave us toys and games and our heart's desires (won't he?)
Well my coffee machine just beeped, so I am off to drink my chocolate raspberry flavored pick-me-up...YUMMY...
Oh crimy~~~ Most toxic toys under the tree..
This is not good.. We need American made..
Checked it out, don't have any of them, thank goodness! : )
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