I'm sleeping so soundly at night! I think it's all the busy in the day. And at night...
Ethan sleeps for about an hour in the day now, since he has the new bed. He's still so excited maybe? Then he doesn't go to sleep until after 10pm. This morning he woke up calling out, "Ma-mop! Ma-Mop! Where are you, Ma-mop?" and I just can't lay in bed. He's such a sweetie, and how long has it been since someone really wanted me? Precious is all I can say. I will sacrifice sleep for an angel. : )
We went out this morning. First, we washed and vacuumed the van. Oh, and how great that feels! To get rid of all that road grime from a week of rain! (I washed it last Saturday too, but it rained on the way home that afternoon!!) The absolute best car wash is Happy Bays on Sunset in Springdale! I get the $8 wash, and when I'm done, my wheels are so shiny, and my tires are somehow shiny and armor-all-y! Just a miracle! I love it. I have a frequent washer card, and I'm almost to my free wash! (Just imagine, $80 for a free wash...) And you get an alcohol-y type wipe, and while I'm being pulled through the long wash (in neutral), I wipe down my windows, dash, and the entire front of the car! Then I pull over to the *free* vacuum, and suck out all the week's garbage (crumbs, popcorn, Dorito pieces, straw wrappers, cup holder ick, etc.). I just love going! It makes me clean out the car, and it's the best! Then I want to come home and clean my house the same way!
I have been cleaning my desk all afternoon. I get so tired of it looking messy. I have piles everywhere (that must be my messy style), so they had to be retired. I reorganized all these little bins, cubbies, drawers, and boxes that I have. It feels all aired out (kind of like my van!).
You should clean your desk (or work space today):
1. Organize your pens (throw out the ones that don't work!), scissors, rulers, colored pencils (I keep a cup of these just to decorate stamped cards, but you can decorate your calendar! You do have one, don't you?)
2. Clean up your calendar: get all those little business cards with appointments and school notes with upcoming events and merge them to one calendar! (I do this with ALL calendars: sports practices, boy & girl scouts, gymnastics, games, parties, church events, kids' PRE schedule, hair/dentist/doctor appointments, library story times and events, and play dates. Don't keep all those individual schedules and cards-they'll drive you to drink! (and not Coke!) Ok, then: Throw All That Extra Paper Away! or recycle it.
3. Set up a file system for things that come your way. Bills/Budget, Store Sales/Coupons, Things to Process (or Things To Do), Upcoming Travel Info, Stuff to Scrapbook (although I'm up to boxes of stuff..), and you may need a file for birthday cards for upcoming birthdays (I can't possibly do that, but I'll explain why next).
Keep these on top of your desk or very handy, or you won't use them, and you'll go back to Pile Methodology.
4. I have three boxes (photo boxes) full of cards. Some are thank you's, some are blank (inside, and some are blank all over so I can fill them with print, flowers, punches, tags, brads, and eyelets..), some are for certain holidays, party invitations, etc. I have small (handmade) tabs/file dividers to divide the occasions for the cards. When an occasion arises, sometimes I have a card that fits. I buy them if I walk by and they catch my eye (but I don't really need them...yes, an addiction), because one day I'll want it, and I won't be able to find it again! (yes, it's happened!) So, if you have a Card Addiction, clean them up, and throw away those ugly Thank You's from the 90's and freebie cards from non-profits that you will never use. Get Real.
5. Only touch your mail once. Open it over a trash can. If it's not a bill, throw the whole thing away (or throw away the garbage inside, and keep the one page that you like/or don't). If it's a sale flyer that you might use, put it into your Sales file.
6. Have your tape/stapler/punches/new monogram embosser (just got it and LoVe it!) out and reachable (but not by your two-year-old).
7. Clean your computer screen, keyboard, mouse (if you have mice. If so, get a mouse trap), and the top of your desk. Drink rings are not okay.
8. Deal with all the bits of paper that aren't appointments. They just collect dust. Get a box for all your papery bits and notes, or trash them (or put them in an adorable little pink pail!)
9. Get yourself a little basket for odd shaped things that have made their way to your desk, but plan to put them away asap (camera, baby monitor, gift cards, pictures).
10. Keep a couple of sweet pictures out to remind you of what's important, and plan to get a small lamp-it makes it so comfy and reduces the screen glare!
11. Take out all the trash (you do have a trash can, right?) you've removed, and voila! You have a cleaner desk and more room to be creative and process life as it happens!
*Bonus: I have little labeled clothespins (make clear labels with a tiny font then cut out and stick to the clothespin-it looks like they are printed!), then I tie little bows on them out of scrap ribbon. They make you want to organize your paper stuff! I have one for receipts (that are getting ready to be used to return an item), one for stuff to do ASAP, and one for This Week. I also have a few just with bows to group things that are in-the-process. They are just so darn handy!
So, clean your car, and clean your desk! I think I really breathe better afterwards! (you know, not that shallow, I-am-overwhelmed-have-too-much-to-do type breathing!) You have to start somewhere!
15th Birthday
1 week ago
In my Bob Barker voice:
"HOLLY JONES come on down~~~~"
The all new "Price is Right" is ready for a new contestant. The challenge is to clean your Mother's desk and car. You have four hours to complete the assignment and you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of seeing a sparkling clean desk and freshly cleaned automobile!
(Just teasing: I have french fries stuck in the console that even a vacuum can't get out:)
But you are motivating for sure...
Well...I try. It just feels nice to have it clean!! I do have this one spot in my van that alien fingers couldn't reach if they tried!! It's between my front right seat and the arm-thing that holds that tray in the middle of the seat. I can see a rhinestone flower thingie that goes on Mary Claire's pants, and some garbage crumbs. I just CAN'T get it. It can be my reminder that life's not perfect. : )
I'll have to tell Mr. Barker that I have two baseball games, a soccer game, Brownie Day, and a date tonight!! My schedule is a little full!! She'll be in Elm Springs at the Methodist Church from 12:30-4! : )
What is she doing at the Elm Springs Church? A Girl Scout activity. Cool ... come by if you have time.. L&H
I love to organize. ; ) I'm always cleaning out something.
Thank you for your sweet words and prayers. They are carrying us. ; )
She was out there for Brownie Day and had a ball! She came home with treats, a lei, sunglasses, a tattoo, and so much excitement! We didn't come by-we had to be home and ready to go by 5! : ) Hence the Whip It! : ) heehee
Katie-Bless your heart. You've been gone, and still have time to visit? You are more than welcome-I'm still praying for you daily.
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