I've noticed my mom cracks up when I'm talking to her on the phone, 'cause I kinda lean toward ADD (attention deficit disorder) when I'm talking..and yes, I'm just weird too. I had to tell Ethan to get his mouth off the window today (he was blowing on it and then wiping his lips down the window making Carter laugh!).
Yesterday we went to Farmington to take a JDRF Bag of Hope to a newly diagnosed little girl, Ellie. She and her mom, Melinda, were so sweet! And Ellie is really doing well, but you can keep them in your prayers. Diabetes always rocks worlds.
Afterward, we had a mom's day lunch with my mom and dad, and then visited my great aunt and uncle. It was my great aunt's 82nd birthday! What a treat to get to take all the kids over for a visit. They really enjoyed hearing my uncle Bob tell about his mom making pancakes right on the old cast iron stove top (with the fire inside!) on Christmas morning. They had all kinds of questions for him..Clay even wanted to go back today! : )
Then we had church, bought roses from Clay's troop selling in the vestibule after church (for some sweet ladies we know!), and then went over to Mom's house for dinner and an evening outside! Clay and I played baseball and catch, and Mary Claire and Ethan played inside plastic tubs..and Carter ran between all of us and played with the big yellow Tonka dump trucks and backhoes. I didn't get pictures since we were really just busy having fun!
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making lemon squares for our Mother-Daughter Tea : ) |
Today was more relaxing..Clay had to go back to church this morning and sell roses before and after church, and the other kids swam! Late this afternoon we all went to see Rio2 (but Carter didn't make it much more than ten or fifteen minutes!) and then we had dinner outside at Qdoba. We went to Home Depot and I picked out some new flowers. I got a new hydrangea bush, some geraniums, verbena, ivy, and some Stella d'Oro daylilies. I love spring and planting. Nothing is more motivating that warm weather and longer days!
I hope that if you have kiddies under your roof that you had a blessed Mother's Day today. Even if your babies are grown or gone, Happy Mother's Day to you too. Happy Mother's Day to the mommas that gave up their babies, and Happy Mother's Day to the mommas that are raising those precious gifts. And Happy Mother's Day to the mommas whose babies didn't quite make it into their arms. You are still a mommy if you've carried a little heart-beating bundle in your womb-you know what it feels like to carry a life.
To all of you who've helped teach me or mother me (or my own kiddos!), thank you. To my mother-in-law who mothered my sweet husband, thank you. And to my babies, thank you for accepting my mistakes and shortcomings and still loving me all the same. Especially when I'm checking your blood in church, and I knock off the lid to the poker (and it flies three pews up!). And when I forget to change your site when you only have nine units left..and I forget till morning. And when I forget to hang your drapes. For four months. I'm just so glad you can see into my heart of best intentions. May I have an even better, more intentional year. I love you, babies!!
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