Everything is good-I'm still healthy, baby Carter is still healthy..and we're at 26.5 weeks now! Almost third trimester..a few days to go. I'm feeling bigger and a little more awkward, but still trying to finish up his baby room. I'm almost done. : ) I hung some stuff on the walls, painted an end table to go by the rocker, bought a box of diapers (!), and got more new burp rags (cloth diapers) washed so I can monogram them. ; )
Last weekend I went to Branson with my friend, Angie, and we shopped for baby clothes. She'd just had surgery about two weeks before, so we both took it easy. We'd never gone that slow or finished that early! It was wonderful to have t-i-m-e. We chalked it up to us both not trying on clothes. I guess buying for ourselves really takes up a lot of time. Huh. I got the kids some spring/summer clothes, and a little bit for next winter (the sales were amazing! I got Clay and Ethan Tommy Hilfiger jeans for 8.49 each!), plus some baby clothes and jammies for Carter.
And...I found a diaper bag! I'd been looking for one online (since that is the most comfortable way to shop lately!), and had narrowed it down to a Petunia Picklebottom (Afternoon in Amsterdam) bag I'd found on Pottery Barn Kid's website. I was pretty decided (and in possession of another 15% off coupon!), until this weekend. I found a bag with -get this!- NiNE pockets! I absolutely love to be organized, and this bag was calling my name. It even matches the stroller, car seat (and his room, if that counts!) so much better than the PB taupe/gold I was loving on. So, I got it. It's all blue/turquoise/navy/silvery bronze, and totally goes with my bronze purse & wallet I'm carrying for winter. So, I can slip in my wallet and still be all matchy for spring. ; ) Oh, and it was on sale, of course. Cheaper than 'ole Petunia! Wanna see a picture?
While I was gone, Ches registered both boys for spring baseball. I know we'll be a little busy, but I hate for Clay to miss a season, if that is the sport he's liking the most. He really enjoyed playing catcher, and as they get older, they have to narrow it to a sport (well, that's my requirement! We can't do it all.) And Ethan? Wants to be like his brother, and Ches wants to coach his team again. I think they are done with playoffs by the first of June, so we'll still have our summer free.
We are trying to decide if we can plan a summer vacation or not. I keep getting the sale flights from Allegiant (our favorite for Orlando!) and AirTran-and there are some mighty good deals right now! (We like to fly to Orlando when they have tickets $39 each way for each person..that's the best!) But..we have no idea about Carter's temperment, or if we can drive to Ocean City, or if we'll need to fly. I hate to miss a great deal, but I think it may be a last minute decision this year. Or some place really close?
Ok, I should get these kiddos to bed! Mary Claire is having a friend over, and all the kids are still up. They have been watching High School Musical 3-even the boys! and mama is about to declare Bedtime. I'm tired!
Hope you have a great weekend (and find some great sales too? Even today I got two pair of jammy pants at Target for $4.48 for Mary Claire, woohoo!)! ; )
Love the diaper bag. But thinking of you having a baby makes me feel so old! AHhhhhhhh......
So glad that you are doing well. Little Carter will be here before you know it! Love the diaper bag. ALMOST!! makes me want to have another one...ok, no it doesn't!
I went through that new Carter's store by JoAnne by the Fay Wal-Mart. They had some great sales in there! Made me miss those little toes and smelly messes! :)
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